Italy 24 Press News

Archdiocese of Lecce, the new appointments of the archbishop

With a letter sent to the diocesan clergy, the Archbishop of Lecce, Monsignor Michele Seccia, announced the appointments that will become effective starting next September 1st.

Don Vanni Bisconti, parish priest of Maria Regina in Squinzano, is appointed member of the Diocesan Service for the Protection of Minors as spiritual companion; Don Carlo Calvaruso, parish priest of San Pio X in Lecce, is appointed treasurer of the Diocesan Office for Economic Administration: he succeeds the late Msgr. Luigi Sergio; Msgr. Luigi Manca, former vicar general of the diocese, is appointed director of the Innocenziana Library; Don Mattia Murra, parish priest of Santa Maria del Popolo in Surbo, is appointed director of the Diocesan Liturgical Office: he succeeds Don Vito Caputo, who in the meantime has become vicar general of the diocese; Deacon Vinicio Russo is appointed director of the Diocesan Missionary Office: he succeeds Don Gianni Ratta; Don Alberto Taurino, parish priest of Maria SS. Assunta in Cavallino, is appointed diocesan spiritual assistant of the Apostolate of Prayer: he succeeds Don Giuseppe Spedicato; Don Emanuele Tramacere, assistant parish priest of the historic center of Lecce and former regent of the same office, is promoted to director of the diocesan office for social communications: he succeeds Don Antonio Murrone.

In the same letter the archbishop communicated to the diocesan clergy that the bishop of Chisinau, Msgr. Anton Cosa, confirming him in the office of vicar general and president of the Regina Pacis Foundation, appointed Msgr. Cesare Lodeserto, parish priest of the parish communities of the cathedral and of San Luigi Scrosoppi in Chisinau, on the outskirts of the Moldavian capital. The double appointment will become effective on Monday 1 July.

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