Italy 24 Press News

“Visioni sardi”, the event dedicated to short films shot on the island is back

“Visioni sardi” is back, an event dedicated to short films made in Sardinia proposed by the Circolo Grazia Deledda, scheduled for Friday 5 July at 6pm at the new headquarters in Via Pitelli 37A, in Sabrina Park.

“Cinema helps us understand the world we live in, offers the tools to interpret it, is a vehicle for cultural exploration, as well as discovery of the territory – the words of Giovanni Battista Bassu, president of the club -. The short films of Sardinian Visions are all filmed in Sardinia, so that we can see the places that are dearest to us again without leaving La Spezia. Some are entirely recited in Sardinian, with Italian subtitles, in order to spread the Sardinian language and culture throughout the world, reviving the spiritual ties of emigrants with Sardinia and also fueling interest and discovery of the island among non-Sardinians”. Friday’s screening will be followed by an aperitif and tasting of island products.

The short films

What is mine by Gianni Cesaraccio roam between Giave, Nulvi, Lake Cuga, Uri and Sassari. The drama of Dalia by Joe Juanne Piras takes place between Seulo and Sinnai. The disturbing thriller Hooded, Dark by Nicola Camoglio is set in Orotelli, Ottana, Gavoi and in the Sinnai Forestry Station. The dazzling beauty of the Budoni sea is the backdrop to Free beach by Ludovica Zedda. The story at the centre of the The Priest’s Punishment by Francesco Tomba and Chiara Tesser unfolds between Luras, Loiri, Tempio and Luogosanto. The dialogues of the animated short film are in Sardinian Down with Giuali by Michela Anedda. Two kids who live in Carbonia are the protagonists of Frogs by Daniele Arca; I’ll wait hereis a delicate fable featuring a child struggling with his first,
major trauma. Tilipirche by Francesco Piras was filmed in Noragugume during the terrible locust invasion of 2023. “The nine directors of Sardinian Visionsalbeit with different stylistic declinations – observe from the Club -, propose unconventional voices and images of Sardinia with works diversified in terms of themes, expressive language and aesthetic intentions but all united by a strong link with the social environment and the problems that characterize the territory and regional identity”.
The project was created and distributed in Italy and abroad by the Cineteca di Bologna and the “Visioni da Ichnussa” association in collaboration with the “Giuseppe Dessì” clubs of Vercelli and “Sarda domus” of Viterbo, with the support of the Region Autonomous Authority of Sardinia, Department of Labor and Sardinia Film Commission.

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