Italy 24 Press News

M5S Council Group. Alessandria – Italia News Media

The decision of Mayor Abonante to withdraw the delegations of all the councilors is now known to the citizens.
It is not known, however, that this decision was made without any explanation, and despite the fact that the 5 Star Movement had been requesting for months a majority meeting to transparently clarify the reasons for this questionable reshuffle of the Cabinet.
In the last two years we have worked incessantly, and for this we thank our councilor Serra, to advance the objectives of the “Alessandria 2030” program, signed by the entire coalition, even without resources available.
The long-awaited resources that would allow us to implement the projects developed will soon arrive from the Government, and this makes the absence of a serious and respectful comparison of the work done so far even more incomprehensible.
We reiterate our full availability for dialogue and collaboration but we demand respect for Alessandria and its citizens.
Ultimatums do not serve to build the unity of the progressive camp, rather we ask Mayor Abonante for the time necessary for a clear and decisive confrontation with all the majority forces.

5 Star Movement Alessandria – Council Group

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