Italy 24 Press News

Artists and Politicians March for Lgbtqi+ Rights

Pride month is in its final stages, but the squares are more alive than ever, especially those of Naples and Milan, which today marched and brought more than half a million people to the streets to make the cry of struggle of the LGBTQ+ community heard.

On the eve of these two marches, the leaders of Pd and M5s Elly Schlein e Giuseppe Conte they sang “Bella Ciao” at the end of the Pride Park events at the Albergo dei Poveri in Naples, an open space that hosted debates for a week in preparation for the parade on Saturday, June 29.


“Today is a very important Pride for the huge participation and to affirm the importance of rights because a freer society, in which everyone’s rights are respected is also a safer, more cohesive society, which grows more. We want a community that is increasingly open and oriented towards the future”.

This is what the mayor of Naples said, Gaetano Manfredijust before the start of the Naples Pride procession which from Piazza Municipio marched through the streets of the centre until arriving in Piazza Dante, where the final show will take place with the performance of artists such as Bianca Atzei, Aka 7even e Leo Gassmann. Godmother of this edition: Malika Ayane.

He also took to the streets Vincenzo DeLuca: «Offending a woman who has to terminate a pregnancy in a counseling center is an intolerable act of violence», declared the governor of Campania, who invited young people not to give up their freedom and to always keep their heads held high. “At a time when civil rights are being questioned, it is right that the institutions also take to the streets”, commented the regional councilor Lucy Fortini.

The Cgil was also present at the procession, representing a trade union world that does not want to separate the fight for civil rights from that for fair and dignified work: “Even in the world of work there is a great defense and attention towards rights and we are demonstrating this by marching today through the streets of Naples together with the LGBTQIA+ people”, said the general secretary of Cgil Naples and Campania, Nicola Ricci.


In Milan the procession started from Piazza Repubblica and reached the Arco della Pace as the final stop, where the demonstration will continue until 1 am with the performance of Italian artists, including Orietta Berti, Clara, Karma B, Ditonellapiaga, Riches and Poors, BigMama, Gaia e Francesca Michielin.

«Today will also be a day of participation for everyone’s rights, for LGBTQ rights which are fundamental and must be recognized as such», said Elly Schlein as she reached the Pride in Milan, where she paraded with the Democratic Party float together to an inevitable Alessandro Zan.

“There are seven parades today, it is a day of pride and visibility for the battles for rights, starting with that for a law against homotransphobia”, added the secretary of the Democratic Party, a law that Italy needs seen the “many and too many aggressions and discriminations that these people experience every day”.

The mayor of Milan also took part in the parade Beppe Salawho however could not attend for health reasons: «With Pride we demonstrate together for a society based on love and justice. A collective embrace that pushes us to fight with even more determination every form of hatred”, this is the message sent by the mayor of Milan.

Pride and the Palestinian Question

Once again, there could not be a Pride without a demonstration of closeness to the Palestinian people, as has already been seen in the rest of this month’s parades. Despite the refusal of the queer Jewish association Keshet Italia not to join the national Pride, representatives of the Jewish community showed up at the Milan parade, including the director of the museum of the Jewish Brigade David Romano and the journalist Klaus Davi.

The exponents marched with the float of “Certi diritti”, organized together with Più Europa and the Radical Association Enzo Tortora. A sign with the words “Jews are Welcome” was also displayed on the float, accompanied by a NATO flag that appeared in the middle of the procession.

“The struggles are intersectional. There can be no liberation of bodies and rights if there are oppressed peoples in the world and we can’t talk about peace if there is no justice”, he replied. Filomena Fittipaldi of Possibile, waving a Palestinian flag.

The Greens and Left Alliance also drew attention to the Palestinian issue during the demonstration: “There is no pride in genocide”, we read written in black and white on a poster displayed on a wagon carrying the flags of Green Europe and Italian Left.


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