Italy 24 Press News

Musica da Ripostiglio enchanted the Varese audience with a fun and engaging concert

VARESE, 29 June 2024 – by GIANNI BERALDO –

There are three fundamental elements for the success of a concert: a suitable and possibly attractive location, a participatory audience, a band or artist capable of making a difference to the quality of the proposal.

Here are these three combinations last night materialized with the Musica da Ripostiglio concert, extraordinary quartet of Tuscan musicians, who literally enchanted the large audience last night in the large courtyard of the Masnago Castle (sold out seats with many people standing), producing an irresistible concert offering quality music with songs interspersed with gags and comical and ironic jokes expertly designed but always very effective. Evening organized by the Municipality of Varese (present last night with the Councilor for Culture Enzo Laforgia), included in the calendar of the exhibition entitled Courtyard Stories created by Andrea Parodi.

Almost two hours of concert where the singer and guitarist Luca Pirozzi (guitar and acoustic and banjo) the guitarist Luca Giacomelli, Raffaele Toninelli on double bass ed Emanuel Pellegrini on the drums, they gave life to a very entertaining show thanks to a choice of songs chosen for the evening, many of which were taken from their albums (the most recent is Live a Capalbio) published in many years of activity that saw them as protagonists in different contexts, such as supporting artists in the theatre, or called by famous film directors or, more recently, in the studio with their fellow countryman the eccentric actor and singer-songwriter Bobo Rondelli with which the proposal of Musica da Ripostiglio has a lot in common.

A moment from the concert

Four artists, four musicians, four friends all very good, with leader Pirozzi giving time for both the musical attacks and the gag ideas giving it all that fun feel that has made them famous over the years.

Pirozzi is endowed with great guitar technique, but also with a beautiful vocal timbre useful in pieces where he tells almost autobiographical stories unraveled in a fabric of captivating notes always in an acoustic key but with an engaging rhythm.

After a first warm-up piece, between folk and Hispanic music, useful to bring out their technical ability, playing the instruments with a disarming simplicity when instead the complexity of certain chords was evident.and, the concert immediately takes off, showing off one song after another, displaying a crystalline class riding folk music notes, American-style cantutoral (always sung in Italian though), very gypsy sound but also some forays into folk rock and hints of reggae music.

Final greetings after the encore

Well done also neo to involve the audience like craftsmen, making them set the tempo with their hands on well-known songs but revisited in a jovial way. Among the audience also the American songwriter Eileen Rose, on tour in Italy, who will play in the historic and enchanting courtyard of Piazza della Canonica in Varese on Wednesday 3 July together with the band (9pm, free entry)

An unexpected success with the audience standing up to cheer them on for a long final encore, where the four went at it in a fun way starting from a very famous piece by Carosone alternating it in a commendable way with various pieces that have made the history of rock music such as i Nirvana o Led Zeppellin with a mini version of Starway to heaven only mentioned but sufficient to make it clear that for Musica da Ripostiglio there are no frontiers of genres.

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