Italy 24 Press News

The first M5S councilor in the province of Varese in Samarate. It took 13 years

Alessio Sozzi in the center

SAMARATE – The consistency of believing it. In the electoral round in which Fratelli d’Italia has to settle for just one new mayor in the 77 municipalities called to vote in the province of Varese, here is the 5 Star Movement thirteen years after its appearance on the territory it becomes a majority force and gets its first assessorIt happens to Samaratedove Alessio Sozzi enters by right in the history of the political reality created by Beppe Grillo thanks to the very broad scope implemented by the new mayor Alessandro Ferrazzi.

The first assessor

Candidate for mayor at Administrative 2024 of Samarate, Sozzi was appointed councilor yesterday by virtue of the agreement signed before the ballot. For the M5S in the province of Varese it is an unprecedented result. The absurd self-regulation rules which were in force within the movement at its dawn, the power struggles of the former Meetup and the difficulty in creating a ruling class adequate and structured made the Grillini miss the great opportunity to conquer the territory when the 5 Stars, even in these latitudes, achieved over 30% of the votes. So much so that, before Sozzi, the Grillini had only gathered together a handful of opposition councilors and This time too the results were a failure.

It’s only the beginning

In Samarate, explains the new councilor, he rewarded instead the consistency of believing in shared values. «This result – says Sozzi – It is the merit of the entire group that has been working diligently since 2015. For us it is only the beginning and we hope to be an example for other activists in the province.” Yesterday’s appointment did not protect him from the criticism of those who think that in Samarate the 5Star Movement has become distorted, going to govern even with ex-Berlusconi supporters: «Everyone is free to think what he believes, we have always been consistent and we proved it this time too with the courage to show up for ourselves. Other dynamics came into play in the ballot and it was natural to ally ourselves with the 58% of the people of Samarate who no longer wanted a mayor from the Northern League leading the city. And so we came together, thanks to one basic programmatic coherence which unites all the souls of the coalition. Without forgetting that in previous years we had already collaborated with the Pdcon Samarate, a living city and also with Samarate in the Center through their exponent Alessandra Cariglino. It is therefore a journey that starts from afar and we just want to get to work immediately.” Not by chance the first meeting of the council has already been called for Monday afternoon, July 1st. For the debut in the city council we will have to wait until the 11th.

Samarate, Ferrazzi’s council is here: deputy Castiglioni. The 5 Stars are also on the team

Samarate councilor 5stelle dirty – MALPENSA24

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