Italy 24 Press News

30 years after graduation

A party 30 years after graduation. In recent days, three decades after obtaining their diploma, the former classmates of the Marco Polo institute met again. “We graduated – says one of them – we were all girls, in 1994 at the IPSC Marco Polo in Rovigo. We met, with some professors, in a pizzeria restaurant in San Pio

The students present: Just under fifteen students from 30 years ago who wanted to remember their final exams and school years. And they weren’t the only ones there, some teachers from back then were also there: professors Rita Bulgarelli, Claretta Montecampi, Annamaria Capasso, Antonietta Stellin, Giovanni Venturato, Giorgio Casarotti.

Between an anecdote and a re-enactment the group took advantage of the opportunity to take stock of their lives, exchange information about their respective professions and families, and reconnect with a friendship that has never stopped, and in many cases has actually strengthened over the years.

To bring back to light those days, often carefree, the interrogations, the school trips, the studying and the fun, there were: Gessica Bussolo, Valeria Stoppa, Moira Ceron, Romina Zanforlin, Lara Boscolo, Marika Capetta, Federica Chiggio, Arianna Crivellin, Jessica Bianchini, Marika Marchi, Cristina Pavani, Annalisa Bagatin, Marina Sasso and Barbara Castellan. And finally the inevitable cake.

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