Italy 24 Press News

Elections, Ghidini: “From spectators to protagonists of political life”

“In the first round Cremona recorded one of the worst turnout figures for the Local Elections: only 58%”: the situation was analysed by Luca Ghidini, city commissioner of Forza Italia, who intervenes in the post-election debate with a series of reflections. “Almost ten points less than five years ago. If we analyze the second round, however, the voters are only 46% of those entitled to vote.”

A situation that cannot be ignored: “As Citizen Commissioner of Forza Italia, I can only wonder about the growing disaffection towards the management of public affairs, especially by a young generation that feels intangible with respect to the real opportunity to have an impact on civil life. I do it as a 27-year-old man, but one who firmly adheres to a party.

For many it would have been unthinkable to build a list of 32 councilor candidates; actively participate in the construction of the electoral program; be constantly present in the streets of Cremona with your own material and organize numerous public events to expose your vision of the city. Unthinkable why parties, if encountered on the street, are the cause of division rather than union.

They intimidate, rather than encourage. During the construction of the electoral list, we saw first-hand the widespread fear of exposing oneself on the part of many people we met. A fact that worries us and that requires a profound reflection in those who have administered up to now.

Aware of this context, Forza Italia in Cremona decided to play the game following a strategy: involving people around content that could stimulate thought, dialectics and debate; providing profound reasons to convince citizens to get involved. Based on their history and abilities, each candidate was able to promote public meetings to present their program: from the topic of sport and disability, to that of tourism and commerce, to the chapter on parking in the city, passing through that of urban decorum and greenery.

For us, doing politics is this: creating favorable conditions so that everyone can express their talentbut having as a point of reference a tradition of thought that exalts the resourcefulness of the individual in order to pursue the common good.

Take charge of a concrete proposal and spreading it passionately was able to convince 32 citizens representing every area of ​​civil society to run behind the symbol of Forza Italia. We did this by positioning ourselves as a point of reference for liberal and moderate centre-right thought, joining forces with UDC, Noi Moderati and Partito Liberale Italiano.

A team spirit that we wanted to demonstrate in the convinced and loyal support to the other centre-right political forces, and above all to Alessandro Portesani, who gave the maximum of his energy and time. Beyond the posthumous evaluations, how many would have left their jobs for months and made themselves available to their community? He was an example for us, and we want to say it publicly.

Now we have five years in opposition ahead of us, in which we will defend the proposals put forward during the election campaign. Above all: the creation of an integrated plan for urban quality; the drafting of a parking plan and the obtaining of a single manager; the redevelopment of the southern sector of the city; the remodulation of the family-friendly tariff system; the expansion of the training offer for young people and the establishment of a permanent economic consultation.

We will guarantee seriousness and commitment to the opposition, but we ask for respect for our proposals and for the people who convey them; respect that has often been lacking in the past. We therefore expect that Pizzetti’s openness to collaboration with the minority will become the practice of political relations in the Municipality of Cremona.

In these hard months of work, finally, it happened created a capital of relationships that must not be squandered, because strengthened by this enthusiasm, Forza Italia will have to continue to do politics in Cremona over the next five years. Even and above all outside of electoral campaigns. We express our desire to open the doors even further to the many people we have met and who were impressed by the contents and style that characterized us.

Our goal will be consolidate Forza Italia’s presence in the city with a new secretariat involving motivated people, and establishing thematic departments on the model of council commissions, which can give their contribution on issues of local and national interest, in support of those in the Council who will certainly carry out an excellent but hard job. Saverio Simi will therefore receive the most loyal support” concludes Ghidini.

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