Italy 24 Press News

“I gave him a bath and put him to bed”

Pavia – “It all happened in an instant.” Raiga Abaker Mohamed, 23 year old originally from Sudan, tries to hold back the tears, overwhelmed by the tragedy of late Friday afternoon, when her 18-month-old son, Munib Haider Mohamed, he fell from the balcony of the apartment on the fourth floor of the building in via Cascina Spelta, cross street of Viale Lodi on the eastern outskirts of the city. Unfortunately, the ambulance rush to the hospital was useless, where the child died in the night due to the very serious consequences of the flight from over 12 metres.

Munib’s mother, Raiga Abaker Mohamed and the site of the tragedy

“I had given him a bath and put him to bed – says the woman, who does not speak Italian, using a friend as an interpreter – I was convinced he was sleeping. A friend of mine who had come to visit us rang the bell, I went to open the door for her. I lost sight of him for just a few moments, when I returned to the room he was no longer in bed. I immediately looked for it, but it wasn’t there.”

It was the friend who noticed the balcony door open, looked out and saw the little boy on the ground. The two women immediately went down to the courtyard and emergency services were called. The mother followed the little boy to the ambulance, who was transported in desperate conditions and then underwent surgery. But he had reported a very serious head injury, as well as internal injuries to the lungs and liver and several fractures. And a few hours later his death was unfortunately confirmed. “I don’t know how he managed – continues the mother in tears – to climb over the railing in so few moments. Maybe he climbed onto the tricycle and onto the external box of the air conditioner, but I don’t know, we didn’t see him”. The police, in their on-site inspection with forensics, found no responsibility for the woman, who is currently not under investigation for what is believed to be a tragic fatality.

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