Italy 24 Press News

Mons. Napolioni visits the Opera Pia of Castelverde

Visit of the Bishop of Cremona Monsignor Antonio Napolioni to the Fondazione Opera Pia S.. Redentore of Castelverde this afternoon. Welcomed by the president of the Foundation Don Claudio Rasoli, the Bishop visited the guests of the Rsa and Rsd, concluding his visit with the Holy Mass. An important structure that of Castelverde which welcomes 212 guests, and which has become a construction site with important investments in a good part of the buildings, and works for energy efficiency and seismic improvement financed with the 110% superbonus. Next year a completely renovated structure will be delivered externally, including the fixtures, which will not only save, but will also produce energy thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels. Investments also in the internal environments, this year especially in RSD. At Casa San Giuseppe the air conditioning system has been completely renovated, a solar thermal system has been installed for the production of hot water and a good part of the toilets have been redone. furthermore, in these years the economic-financial situation is excellent: the 2023 budget was approved with a significant asset – over 660,000 euros – with the closing of a mortgage loan of 1,400,000 euros taken out on 6 March 2012 for the expansion of the RSD. In July a new Council will be installed that will find solid foundations to continue planning the future well supported by our auditor. Silvia Galli

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