Italy 24 Press News

Salerno, from July 7th the Comic Theatre festival in the space of the Church of S.Leonardo

The ‘Teatro comico’ festival returns to Salerno this year, now in its seventh edition.

Organized by the parish of San Leonardo in collaboration with the theater association ‘Così per caso’ and the precious patronage of the Municipality of Salerno, it will be held from 7 to 11 July in the garden of the church of San Leonardo, as always entry is free and the shows will begin at 9pm. An initiative that tends to attract theater lovers but also to bring curious and simple enthusiasts closer to this art which unfortunately is often overlooked.

Five companies will take turns on stage: starting on Sunday 7th with the theater association ‘il mosaico’ which will stage the comedy ‘I wanted the butler’; on Monday 8th the host company will stage the hilarious comedy ‘the horns… what luck!’; Tuesday 9 guests of the event were the comedy company ‘Gino Eposito’ with the comedy ‘Arezzo 29 in three minutes’; on Wednesday 10th it will be the turn of the ‘le querce’ theater company with ‘5th zone police station’; the theater company ‘i pappici’ closes the 2024 edition with a classic of the Neapolitan theater ‘a filiata’.

All thanks to the Municipality of Salerno, to the Mayor Dr. Vincenzo Napoli, to the councilor Dario Loffredo, to the parish priest of the parish of San Leonardo Father Gianfranco Pasquariello for having immediately embraced the project demonstrating his passion for culture and above all the will to create aggregation in a neighborhood that is too often forgotten. A neighborhood that will certainly be present en masse at the evenings of the festival and that will demonstrate once again that it exists and is present and alive. Also important is the support of some activities that have embraced the project and contributed to its realization, as well as the commitment of the participating companies

The appointment is therefore from 7 to 11 July in the garden of the church of San Leonardo (hospital ring road exit).

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