Italy 24 Press News

“It was our first child”

Pavia – “I wasn’t at home, I was at work, they called me on my cell phone and I arrived in less than ten minutes”. Haider Mohamed Omar, A 23-year-old originally from Sudan like his wife, he works as a mechanic in a garage in the city. “We’ve been living here for three years – he says, trying to force himself Munib’s father, which, as is customary in Sudan, has the father’s name as a surname – and we have always felt good in Pavia, for us being here is like being in our own country, we are a very close community, we frequent the mosque behind here”. The cell phone continues to ring, the intercom rings with many friends who have come to be close to the pain of the very young couple.

“Last night there were sixty cars down here – says the young father – many also arrived from other cities when they heard what happened to us”. A tragic fatality, the exuberance of a little one who left his young parents too soon, who now can’t find peace for having lost him. “We really don’t know how he could have done it – the father continues – I had also put the safety net on the balcony, but mostly because before, toys always fell between the bars of the railing. My wife never lost sight of him, it took just a moment, after she had put him to bed, she thought he was asleep”. Even if the police have not found any responsibilities at the moment, with no one under investigation for the death, an autopsy will most likely be ordered on the little victim’s body. “We are waiting for them to let us know – confirms the father – and when we can we will organize the ceremony here in Pavia anyway, our life is here now”.

They frequent the mosque on Via Villa Eleonora, a few steps walk from their house in via Cascina Spelta, just crossed viale Lodi. “Munib was born here in Pavia – the father still remembers – he was our first child”. He can’t even look for a photograph with his little one, even though he certainly has many in the memory of his mobile phone, but he doesn’t feel like showing it right now, the tragedy of his loss is too recent. “Our life is now here in Pavia – he continues, always trying to be strong – we will certainly stay here, we can count on many who are close to us, they are proving it to us even at this moment”. destroyed family, who must try to move forward, to overcome the tragedy that suddenly struck them.”It’s difficult – admits the father – at this moment I really don’t know what else to say”, but his lowering eyes say it all.

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