Italy 24 Press News

In Naples it’s Conte-mania, here’s the first mural – News

Contemania is growing in Naples, where the race for the mural to depict the new technical guide chosen by Aurelio de Laurentiis to redeem the year just gone by has begun. The winner of the first portrait dedicated to the Salento coach is the Vesuvian writer Luciano Ranieri, who has been busy for days executing the work inside a factory based in Casoria, on the outskirts of the Neapolitan capital.

Five meters by four are the dimensions of the work commissioned to Ranieri by an entrepreneur with proven blue faith as soon as the certainty of the hiring of the former Juve and Chelsea manager spread through the city.

In the painting, Conte is portrayed in a blue suit, jacket, shirt and tie, with the N – the company’s logo – on the lapel of his jacket. Haunted eyes and a clenched jaw, the coach is portrayed with one of his typical expressions. Ranieri, 30, a well-known figure in the street art scene, is not new to this type of artistic composition: he has signed several portraits of people – especially athletes – scattered between Naples and the province, including Maradona, Kvara and Osimhen: “Mine – he explains – is a wish for good work to the coach”.

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