Italy 24 Press News


(AGENPARL) – Rome, June 29, 2024

(AGENPARL) – Sat 29 June 2024 N. 60 – 29 June 2024
Food, here are the Ambassadors of Campagna Amica:
among them the Brescians Stefania Reali and Simone Frassini
Stefania Reali and Simone Frassini, young 35-year-old agricultural entrepreneurs from Brescia, are among the Campagna Amica Ambassadors awarded in Venice during the Coldiretti Village #stocoicontadini. This was announced by Coldiretti Lombardia in underlining that the recognition is awarded to agricultural companies belonging to the network which, with their work, stand out as witnesses of the values ​​promoted by Campagna Amica.
In particular – explains the regional Coldiretti – Stefania and Simone were awarded in the category “Recovery and restoration of abandoned or depopulated villages”. In 2012, in fact, after graduating from the Mountain University of Edolo, they chose to open their farm “Cosa tener accese le stelle” from scratch in Ludizzo, a small village with less than 50 inhabitants, a hamlet of the municipality of Bovegno in the upper Val Trompia.
“After terracing the two hectares of very steep and then difficult to cultivate meadows,” Stefania recalls, “we planted small fruits, apples, pears, plums, cherries, apricots, persimmons, quinces, jujubes and medlars. We then renovated the farmhouse, using it partly as a home and partly as a laboratory for processing our products. Over the years we have also added the cultivation of vegetables and legumes according to the season. We also have an apiary with 30 hives for honey production.” Part of the fruit and vegetables, Coldiretti Lombardia points out, are transformed into jams and compotes in the company laboratory.
“The company also has a small garden of aromatic and medicinal herbs used for educational purposes but also to produce herbal teas, infusions, syrups and flavourings” adds Simone Frassini. “We have edible flowers and produce a line of 100% natural cosmetics made with medicinal plants. All our products are sold directly on the farm, in the Campagna Amica markets or with home deliveries”.

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