Italy 24 Press News

“Increase in Tari in Marsala. Mayor Grillo should explain why”

In such a delicate moment as this, in which the citizens of Marsala suffer price increases especially on basic necessities; shopping, balancing the accounts and making it to the end of the month is becoming increasingly difficult for families.

Mayor Grillo, on the other hand, is thinking of increasing municipal taxes, creating a further burden for Marsala families. Last year young families had to suffer the increase in the monthly fee for their children’s school meals, today all citizens will find another burden to face, the TARI.

The municipal administration, over the years, would have done better to avoid some expensive consultancy and some waste of public money for initiatives that have had no social and economic impact on the city. With a more far-sighted policy of public spending, services for citizens could have been improved and tax increases could have been avoided.

We would like to remind Mayor Grillo that he inherited a waste plan that allowed him to start the punctual pricing through the reading of the codes on the recycling bins, already equipped with devices for reading through the operators’ bracelets.

We wonder why the mayor has not continued this incentive, which would certainly have led to a reduction in TARI through greater recycling which, as we know, constitutes an income for the municipality through the sale of the fractions of plastic, glass, paper and metal collected. Why Grillo has not focused on information and awareness in schools and families in Marsala, why he has not carried out more checks on the regularity of the collection of bins and their display.

In the past, the Democratic Party has invited the Mayor and his administration to intervene in this regard and to recover with awareness those who abandon waste on purpose in neighborhoods beyond any control that could even be simple video surveillance. All of this has been promptly ignored.

Data on the percentages of separate waste collection have not been communicated to the city for some time. No intervention has been made to prevent the numerous fires that are reported daily, particularly in the suburbs and working-class neighborhoods.

The absence of green planning and vision of the city is evident. The mayor then explains to the city why waste taxes are increasing today. What cost did this tax increase?

One thing we are sure of, this act underlines the umpteenth failure, not only administrative but also political of the Grillo Council. The mayor and his administration are unable to bring concrete results, much less to fight for their territory with the regional government and the wicked environmental policy of the center-right Schifani Council. Once again in Marsala, with Grillo as mayor, it’s raining on the wet!

For the online PD club Nilde Iotti

Linda Licari – member of the provincial secretariat of the PD

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