Italy 24 Press News

Attack on Mondialpol in Sassari with weapons of war, hunt for bandits:


Of adnkronos June 29, 2024

(Adnkronos) – Attack on the Mondialpol vault in Sassari, the hunt for criminals is on all over Sardinia. “We have deployed a real task force – explains to Adnkronos the director of the Sassari Flying Squad, Michele Mecca -. All the police stations on the island are mobilized, but there is coordination from Rome of the Central Operational Service from Rome and the Sisco of Cagliari is also operating”. Everyone has seen the images of the Carabinieri car, riddled with bullets, but the bandits do not distinguish between armed forces. “On one side they shot at our cars and on the other at those of the Carabinieri – reveals Mecca -. Always with war weapons, which put the lives of the operators who intervened at risk”. In last night’s attack on the Vedetta 2 Mondialpol headquarters on the outskirts of Sassari, the commando managed to seize only a portion of the cash present in the headquarters, and not the contents of the vault, the armored room, which is the heart of the building, which was not stormed. Mondialpol itself specifies this in a note, explaining that “the criminal action was contained thanks to the promptness of our personnel who, even under the pressure of enemy fire and guerrilla warfare, managed to implement emergency procedures specifically designed to deal with extraordinary situations”. “Our security systems have generally withstood the violence of the attack. The next few hours – it reads – will be crucial to reconstruct exactly what happened, we are collaborating with the authorities to provide all possible support to the investigations”. “A commando of at least ten bandits, armed with Kalashnikovs, with typically military techniques and movements, broke into the vault, breaking down the walls of the building with an excavator and terrorizing the security guards” said the general secretary of the Sim Carabinieri, Antonio Serpi, expressing “deep concern”. “The escape was orchestrated with precision, obstructing the police with nails scattered around the surrounding streets and setting cars on fire. We also cannot ignore the fact that shots were fired at a carabinieri car, putting the lives of our colleagues at risk.” “This episode, the third to hit the same vault, after the events of 2016 and 2018, highlights a worrying increase in crime,” Serpi added. “We express our solidarity with the colleagues involved and join the chorus of requests for a review of the weapons and equipment available to the police, which are no longer suitable in certain environmental contexts. We urgently ask the Ministry of the Interior and the competent authorities to take note of the situation and implement effective measures to ensure the safety of citizens and law enforcement officers. We cannot allow similar episodes to continue to occur without an adequate response.” ”In expressing our closeness to the colleagues involved and to all the police forces that find themselves operating in those difficult contexts, where only self-denial leads us to continue to move forward for the good of the citizen, despite a policy deaf to the requests of the Carabinieri, it is imperative to act before the irreparable happens – he concludes -. The safety of citizens and our colleagues must be an absolute priority”. —[email protected] (Web Info)

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