Italy 24 Press News

Some city parks in Salerno will close at midnight

This morning, in Salerno, the State Police executed the order for the application of precautionary measures, issued by the GIP, against 16 minors of Italian nationality, investigated on various counts for the crimes of brawling and assault.

The measure, which accepted the requests presented by the Prosecutor’s Office at the Juvenile Court of Salerno, was adopted following the events that occurred on the night between 9 and 10 July 2022, when two groups of young people faced each other in the crowded Piazza Gloriosi, sparking a violent brawl during the “Notte Bianca” organized by the Municipal Administration.

On that occasion, the police personnel, committed to ensuring the orderly and peaceful conduct of the demonstration, were forced to intervene to quell the violent quarrel that broke out between some very young people, some of whom were rescued due to the injuries they sustained.

In the aftermath of the events, the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office immediately delegated the investigation activities to the Salerno Flying Squad, the Salerno Postal Police and the Judicial Police Section of the same Prosecutor’s Office. The results of the activities conducted jointly have thus made it possible to reconstruct the dynamics of the events.

The analysis of the chats extracted from the cell phones and the questioning of some of the young people allowed to arrive at the complete identification of further participants in the brawl, to the attribution of the individual conducts as well as to the identification of the futile reasons that gave rise to the violent clash. The set of evidence collected therefore determined the GIP to order the measures of house arrest against ten minors and the application of the prescriptions against the remaining six.

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