Italy 24 Press News

Differentiated autonomy, Uil launches the battle

The celebrations for the 60 years of autonomy of the Molise Region (after the separation from Abruzzo) went well. What is not good, however, claims the secretary of Uil Molise Tecla Boccardo, is the passing of the law on differentiated autonomy, promulgated a few days ago by the President of the Republic.
A “discriminatory rule” that will further penalize the South, adds Boccardo. «We must guarantee the same rights to all citizens, in healthcare, in school, in work. We cannot have workers paid differently depending on the region, richer or poorer, in which they are employed.” In the same way, continues the trade unionist, «we cannot have a healthcare system that takes the criterion of historical expenditure as a reference, because we will be further penalized, as Molise has not already achieved sufficient performance today, Molise is among the worst in Italy (the reference is to the Crea Report, ed.), it means that Molise does not guarantee the levels of health protection and this is clear for all to see.”
And, again, differentiated autonomy will create “a different school between North and South”, but “students from the South cannot be penalized because they were born in the South”.
In conclusion, the leader of the regional Uil summarizes these as «state functions that must be guaranteed in the same way to all citizens. We cannot tolerate further discrimination and will fight against this law in the coming months. We will defend the reasons and rights of the citizens of the South and of the people of Molise.”

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