Italy 24 Press News

Castrogno, an extraordinary search turns up everything! –

TERAMO – Excellent work by Commander Igor’s men About Friends of the Teramo Penitentiary Police who, during an extraordinary search which took place late in the evening of yesterday 28 June, found an arsenal consisting of:

  • 9 knives of the fixed blade and snap type,
  • 1 large professional dagger (40cm), q
  • 3 smartphone,
  • accumulations of psychotropic drugs,
  • narcotic substance.

Once again, despite the thousand critical issues that afflict the Penitentiary Police force and that SINAPPE has been denouncing for years, the blue berets have worked to ensure safety and legality within the Teramo institute. It is necessary to put order and safety back at the center of the penitentiary system, the high recidivism rate is a clear sign of the failure of the current prison policy. Prison policy, despite the change of government, has not completely abandoned the old path and abuses by inmates continue to occur with the clear aim of imposing a state of power and subjection that they feel they can establish in the prison environment, facilitated by a condition of scarce personnel and consequences perceived as mild” – Provincial Secretariat Si.NAPPe of Teramo –

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