Italy 24 Press News

Undeclared work, Calabria among the top regions for the underground economy

The annual turnover attributable to irregular work in Italy amounts to approximately 68 billion euros. This is stated by a study based on Istat data by the CGIA of Mestre, according to which approximately 35% of this added value produced by the underground economy can be attributed to the southern regions. A system, the CGIA estimates, whichIt involves just under 3 million people in the country; also in this case the South is the geographical area with the highest percentage, 37.2% of the total. However, the phenomenon is also extended to the Centre-North and has a record presence especially in the sector of services to people (housekeepers, carers). The rate of irregularity in this sector reaches 42.6%. In second place are agricultural jobs (16.8%), in third place are constructions with 13.3%. Those just mentioned are some flashes that emerged from an analysis conducted by the CGIA Research Office. The regions in which the Cgia estimates a greater presence of underground economy are Calabria, Campania and Sicily. The added value produced in 2021 by irregular work in Italy amounted to 68 billion euros, of which 23.7 billion in the South, 17.3 in the North-West, 14.5 in the Center and 12.4 in the North-East.

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