Italy 24 Press News

A toast greets the change of management of the newsagent and stationery shop in Valle Olona

From IlGiocoEducativo to ArteKrea, the stationery shop-newsstand in via Dalmazia, in Valle Olona changes management.

Not a simple changeover, but a handover managed with heart, starting from the last month in which Alessandro Barberothe outgoing manager, and Cristina Finotti, who takes over from him, they worked side by side, to share knowledge and ideas, strategies and vision.

«In this month of training, I not only got practice with a new job for me, coming from the management control of a large company – Cristina said – Above all I learned to know the habits, passions and peculiarities of the customers”.

Today, Saturday 29 June from 12pm, many people came to the shop for a toast and to greet Barbero and to wish good luck to the new management that will be operational from next 8 July, after a week of closure necessary to reorganize the shop.

Heartfelt Greetings

Many customers stopped by to say hello to Barbero, who arrived in Valle Olona eight years ago bringing a special gift to the stationery shop attention to children’s games and community services, without ever ceasing to change and innovate to best respond to the changing needs of the community. All always accompanied by big smiles, kind words for everyone and a genuine propensity to listen to customers. A job of care and attention, as well as commercial, in which in recent months he has been supported by the collaborator Giorgia Tancredi.

«Now when I say goodbye my heart sinks. I feel the pain more and more melancholy for what I leave behind, especially for you customers who have made my life richer and more human“, said Barbero who has been carefully searching, for over a year, for the right people to entrust with the future of the Stationery Shop to avoid the service being lost.

A few days ago he started greeting his customers with an email invitation to the toast on the last day of IlGiocoEducativo, with the following words.

They have been 8 long years, even difficult, full of satisfaction, full of you and your human warmth. This is what I I will always carry in my heart, your sympathy, your smile, your words of comfort, your compliments and the appreciation you have shown for the work I have done.

THANK YOU ALL! No one excluded. Thanks to you I have grown as a person and professionally and if I have changed in these eight years it is thanks to you.
I wish you all the best, Live life to the fullest, respect others, spread love around you and you won’t regret it!

Good luck with all your stuff!
Alessandro Barbero

IlGiocoEducativo becomes ArteKrea

The shop will be closed for a week. It will reopen on July 8th with new management and a new name. The Valle Olona stationery shop will now be called ArteKrea and will be led by two sisters from Cantello: Cristina and Romina Finotti.

Above all, it will be Cristina, who has supported Barbero in recent weeks, who will take care of the stationery shop. «The first objective is to continue to guarantee a fundamental service like this for the community – said Cristina – we would like to then expand the library offer and give space to hand made crafts».
The aim is to ensure that the shop becomes a point of reference for creating, over time, a small community center where you can propose creative and holistic paths.

Romina will mainly deal with this: «We like the idea of ​​giving the community a new space which must give breathing space to creativity and the desire to share passions, ideas and proposals lightly“, explains.
For this reason the sisters are already making contacts with associations and aggregative realities in the Valle Olona and San Fermo neighborhoods to create bridges and collaborations.

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