Italy 24 Press News

“Gesture of solidarity or simple political strategy?”

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06/29/2024 – In Pesaro, right-wing city councilors have put forward the proposal to reduce the salaries of councilors and mayor by 30%. This initiative, presented as a gesture of solidarity and responsibility towards citizens, requires reflection.

I would like to remind you that the spokespersons of the 5 Star Movement have always adopted a much more drastic policy of voluntary reduction in salaries, which has led to the return of over 118 million euros to the state coffers and continue to do so, financing social projects. Instead of pointing the finger at the other party, why don’t they show a demonstration of good will by asking their regional councilors to set an example, starting with Baiocchi and the new councilor Dallasta, who currently holds the roles of regional and municipal councilor.

This request highlights a fundamental issue: the coherence between words and deeds. If the salary reduction is truly an act of responsibility, why ask it only of some? The right’s proposal seems to want to mask a certain political hypocrisy, we therefore ask that those who propose cuts be the first to apply them. From the Governor to regional councilors and councilors, the proposal could be interesting if it were truly addressed to everyone, not just city government figures.

The request for a reduction in salaries, extended to all levels from regional to national and European, could represent a step towards greater transparency and a reduction in waste, otherwise it is just a publicity stunt.

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