Italy 24 Press News

Florence, Qf, ex Gkn’s appeal rejected. Conviction for anti-union conduct confirmed

The court of Florence rejected the appeal presented on January 10th by QF Spa, formerly Gkn, reconfirming the conviction for anti-union conduct of December 27th.

Per Stefano Angelini of Fiom Cgil Fi-Po-Pt: “The company had asked for the decree to be revoked due to the unfoundedness of our claims and today justice recognizes that we were right from the beginning. Now QF applies law 234/21, activates social safety nets and pays workers’ wages from January. There are already five appeals presented and won by individual workers with our patronage. Otherwise we will proceed with the administration of a company that in fact no longer exists.”

“Justice has taken its course and this decision of the Court confirms the validity of the positions of the Tuscany Region – commented the President of the Region Eugenio Giani as soon as he learned the news of the rejected appeal – We immediately considered the company’s unilateral choice to withdraw from an administrative procedure provided for by the Orlando decree, i.e. by law 234 on relocations of 2021, to be improper and serious. We have followed and continue to follow the process required by this procedure and we once again invite the company to respect it”.

Valerio Fabiani, advisor for employment policies to the president of the Tuscany Region, also underlines the importance of respecting law 234/2021 and hopes that the company will return to the path defined by the legislation: “We have always been been within that procedure, and we continue to be there – he said – We also urge the company to follow and respect it, complete all the obligations that are still missing: present the social plan, participate in a discussion and activate the social safety nets , finally laying the foundations for the reindustrialization of the area, as required by that law”.


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Former Gkn, a one-off contribution of 3 thousand euros from the Region to each worker
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Ex Gkn, workers picketing in Piazza Indipendenza. Hunger strike of 3 workers continues

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Florence, thousands with former GKN workers: the procession from via Mariti. The Region’s garden in Novoli occupied

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Ex Gkn, thousands in procession from the factory to the center of Campi. Tensions with ownership

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