Italy 24 Press News

President of the Lazio Region: Safety at work and combating gangmastering

Last updated on June 29, 2024 by Editorial Staff

The President of the Lazio Region, Francesco Roccacalled a very important meeting to discuss the job security and counteract the phenomenon of gangmastering. This meeting mainly involved the mayors of the province of Latinahighlighting the president’s attention and commitment to the territory.

Commitment to workplace safety

During the meeting, the mayor Matilda Celentano expressed appreciation for the commitment shown, underlining the importance of adopting a policy of zero tolerance towards the exploitation of human beings. The meeting was also attended by trade unions, employers’ organizations and important institutional figures.

The Actions of the Lazio Region

President Rocca and his councilors illustrated in detail the actions undertaken by Lazio region in the field of safety at work. The definition of the Regional strategic plan which will define the necessary intervention strategies. Furthermore, the decree for the establishment of the Regional coordination committee for health and safety at work.

Fight against gangmastering and valorization of agricultural companies

In the province of Latina, where there are numerous agricultural companies, the need to verify the company files by cross-referencing the data with the databases ofINPS and of theInail. Furthermore, the exclusion from work of people involved in crimes such as gangmastering is promoted and the intention is to reward certified companies in the assignment of resources for rural development.

Towards a New Phase of Worker Protection

The mayor, underlining the importance of valorising correct agricultural companies and combating any form of exploitation, announced that the administration will become a civil party in the proceedings relating to the gangmastering and the tragic death of Satnam Singh. President Rocca’s words on the dignity of people and the focus on workers’ well-being signal the beginning of a new phase in the fight against labor exploitation.


  • 1.
Francesco Rocca: President of the Lazio Region, a prominent political figure responsible for the regional administration of Lazio. His convening of a meeting on workplace safety and the fight against gangmastering highlights his commitment to ensuring respect for workers’ rights in the region.

2. Job security: Safety at work is a crucial issue that concerns the protection of the health and life of workers in the workplace. It is regulated by specific regulations that require employers to adopt measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.
3. Gangmastering: Gangmastering is an illegal phenomenon that involves the illicit intermediation of labor, often immigrants and exploited in degrading working conditions. It is a widespread problem especially in the agricultural sector and raises concern about violations of human rights and labor regulations.
4. Latina: Italian province located in Lazio, characterized by an economy linked mainly to agriculture. The presence of numerous agricultural companies makes the province sensitive to issues related to gangmastering and safety at work.
5. Matilda Celentano: Mayor of a municipality in the province of Latina, a local figure who expressed appreciation for the commitment against exploitation and underlined the importance of a zero-tolerance policy towards work-related crimes.
6. INPS and INAIL: Two Italian bodies that manage, respectively, social security and accidents at work. They play a key role in monitoring and verifying working conditions, including the situation of agricultural companies with respect to the phenomenon of gangmastering.
7. Satnam Singh: Person who died in circumstances related to gangmastering, whose case was mentioned as a tragic example of the consequences of a system of exploitation.
These insights provide context and meaning to the issues addressed in the article, highlighting the importance of fighting gangmastering and protecting workers’ rights and dignity.

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