Italy 24 Press News

Chiari: The handshake shortly after the victory

A nice gesture, one of those that are not often seen in politics lately and which was, without a shadow of a doubt, appreciated by everyone.

The handshake shortly after the victory

The outgoing councilor Dominic Codoniwith its civic lists Chiari Virtuosa and Chiari Capitale (strongly desired by the outgoing mayor Massimo Vizzardi), lost the elections, but not its elegance.

The challenger, despite the understandable disappointment and sadness of the moment, did not back down or even “hide” while waiting for the waters to calm down (just like the chants and horns in celebration in the streets of the city), but decided to go to the Town Hall where the winners were.
In fact, on Monday afternoon he reached the newly elected mayor Gabriele Zottiin the midst of the celebrations together with his centre-right coalition, right in front of the Town Hall and in the square in front.

He approached the mayor and, congratulating him, shook his hand.
Then, with the same calm with which he arrived, he left together with his daughter Alice who, like the rest of the family, has always supported him in this challenging electoral campaign.

«We lost, the citizens chose differently, we take note of it – Codoni wrote shortly after Zotti’s victory on the Facebook page – Thanks to all those who placed their trust in us once again, thanks to those with us he believed this was the right direction for Chiari. Thanks to Chiari for everything he has given us over these ten years. What is certain is that not a day will pass without our presence in the city and in the city council to monitor and ensure that the important goals achieved are not wasted and lost. Congratulations to the winners. We will do careful reflection in the next few days together with candidates and groups.”

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