Italy 24 Press News

G7 Education in Trieste, the fight against school dropout

TRIESTE During the G7 Education, the need to fight against dropout, school dropout, which has been “accentuated after Covid”, was “strongly emphasized”. Therefore, “we need to bring children back to school”.

This was stated by the Minister of Education of Merit Giuseppe Valditara during the press conference at the end of the two-day work in Trieste.

Valditara said that the Italian experience was cited, the French one, similar in some ways to ours, the United Kingdom one. «Several proposals have emerged that will be collected at the end of the work, which will be of great inspiration for inclusion policies», Valditara announced, reiterating that «the fight against school dropout is one of the main objectives of all governments». Not only students: «Another big issue is the valorization of teachers, who need to be given back authority, both economically with an increase in salaries, and with job security and by giving teaching a social centrality». In Italy «last year over 40 thousand teachers were hired, in the next three years over 70 thousand will be hired, then there will be a progressive absorption of this precariousness»

As anticipated in the Forum at the Piccolo, Valditara spoke of “personalization of training, personalization of education”, elements that he defined as “central”. The minister then returned to the importance, “if we want to give a future to all young people”, of “building a school path in line with the many talents”.

This means “also ensuring a high-quality technical-professional training path, which is connected to the world of work, to the world of business; school and business are not antagonists but must collaborate together”, he added.

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