Italy 24 Press News

Crash on Torre Chianca road, Lecce lawyer dies

A 52-year-old lawyer from Lecce died instantly after a terrible crash into some metal poles of the road signs. The victim is Simona Blago, a candidate in the last administrative elections of the Municipality of Lecce on the Io Sud list, and she had just celebrated her birthday.

The professional was alone aboard her Citroen C3 when, around one o’clock, she lost control of the vehicle and ended up off the road. When the ambulance arrived with her 118 medics they were unable to do anything to save her life.

“A person who was always grateful to life – commented Mayor Adriana Poli Bortone in a note – even if life hadn’t been particularly sweet with her. A sunny and generous woman, Simona never knew how to ask, but she knew how to give. Always and a lot. Simona is this for me. She leaves me an important lesson, even though she was much younger than me, on the ability to be grateful to life every day, despite everything and everyone. I would have liked to celebrate with her a victory that she wanted so much and for which she committed herself, always giving herself. I don’t know if we will have the desire to celebrate anymore, she would certainly tell us to do it for her too because every moment must be celebrated and shared and nothing can cloud the joy of living. Well Simona, today we don’t have all this desire to be sunny. Don’t hold it against us, but today we just can’t chase away the clouds, despite the strong north wind”.

“She loved Lecce and Lecce – we read in a comment by Mirko Zacheo, provincial secretary of Io Sud -. The colors of her city, represented for her the love for her land. She never spared herself, always present in this electoral campaign that she had lived with determination and passion. Simona was also like this in life, stubborn, determined and jovial despite the many difficult trials she had had to face. She leaves us a few days before her birthday, that celebration that should have also coincided with the celebrations of those who had spent themselves together with her in this electoral campaign. We would have liked to continue sharing new experiences and new paths with her. Simona, a precious friend, we will always carry her courage and her strength with us. A precious lesson for the future. Starting tomorrow. Today for the community of Io Sud a day of great pain».

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