Italy 24 Press News

located in Cilento hosts three young specimens

The cradles of the rare breed double in Campania black stork. The Asoim members (Association for Ornithological Studies of Southern Italy) Beatrice Bigu and Diego Errico have in fact found a second nest located in Cilento, on a rocky wall, and which hosts three young people who are already well formed. «Since 2009 – he informs Maurizio Fraissinetamong the founders of Asoim – the species has returned to nest in Campaniabut always with only one couple. For some years the presence of at least one other couple was suspected and the association has been committed to research with targeted expeditions and monitoring in places deemed suitable. Our commitment has rewarded us”.

From data from the Italian Black Stork Group (GLICiNe), of which Asoim is the representative for Campania, Last year 40 pairs nested in Italy. The species, informs Fraissinet, «is therefore particularly rare and included in Annex 1 of the Community Directive “Birds”». The exact location of the nest is kept secret by Asoim members who discovered it for obvious security line with what is recommended at national level. From 2009 to 2023 the nesting pair in the province of Avellino has brought 41 young to flight. «We hope – concludes the ornithologist – that this new couple will further contribute to the recovery of the species». In Mondragone, meanwhile, the Ardea association has ringed the first Fratino in Campania, as part of a monitoring project of the species that has been going on for some years. She is a female, weighs 44.5 grams and has been named Ardea.

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