Italy 24 Press News

the Libyan championship will no longer be played in Pisa and Tuscany

Plot twist and about-turn on the organization of the Libyan championship in Tuscany. In fact, at the last moment the Libyan federation backed out, moving the matches to Lazio, in the province of Rome, in agreement with the Italian government.

According to official sources, people from Libya complained about the distance from the stadiums and the logistics for the training fields, also expressing criticism about the quality of the Tuscan facilities. The tournament itself has been postponed from July 1st to 16th. All the hotels were located between Campi Bisenzio, Montecatini and Pisa. According to what emerges, however, the federal organization itself also moved late, booking the hotels only in the days immediately preceding the scheduled races in Tuscany, effectively finding no available facilities. According to several Libyan journalists, however, there is also a further problem. FIFA would have complained to the Libyan federation, threatening sanctions and suspensions for the regulation which effectively prohibits the organization of championship matches outside state borders. «False», commented the sports minister Andrea Abodi. In recent days, however, FIFA has approved the formation of a working group to collect further information and make recommendations to the Council regarding potential changes to the FIFA regulations governing matches of affiliated national federations outside the relevant territory. In the coming months an independent working group will propose changes to the current regulation which effectively prevents some matches from being played outside the national territory.


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