Italy 24 Press News

«Through play we teach the little ones» Gazzetta di Reggio

Reggio Emilia Summer camps are now upon us and there is an association in the Reggio Emilia area that stands out for organizing these important moments of aggregation and socialization with the youngest, carrying forward, above all, the values ​​of sport. It is called Bobcats and it’s the asports associationfounded in Cavriago in 2021, with a very specific objective: to promote sport and physical activity among children and young people, enhancing the playful aspect and encouraging the development of fundamental values, such as respect for the rules and for others, fair play, and team play.

More than a sports association, Bobcats presents itself as a movement that revolutionizes the way of life sport for the little ones. Through play, the central element of every activity, children learn while having fun, discovering the pleasure of movement and developing transversal skills such as collaboration, respect and sportsmanship.

No early specialization, but a gradual and personalized path that accompanies children in discovering their potential.

Bobcats offers tailor-made projects for different age groups, from 3 to 11 years, with activities dedicated to nursery schools, primary schools and summer camps. There are many events organized in the territories, in particular in the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Parma, where around forty projects are currently active, involving almost seven thousand girls and boys: an aspect that has attracted attention, institutional and beyond , even from outside the region, where Bobcats will soon bring its educational tools.

«Our activities are built exclusively on games: there is nothing technical or specialist – assures the president of the association, Mattias Picelli -. You learn to move, playing, having fun and freeing your imagination. The goal is to encounter sport at a very young age, hoping that in the future children will become passionate about a discipline that allows them to live better. It is surprising that a three-year-old child can do a regulated activity, but this is how it is, in a context without barriers, where the little ones, regardless of abilities or disabilities, play together in an inclusive context. With the constant presence of qualified operators, who work with enthusiasm and professionalism, to create a safe and welcoming environment.”

The activity is aimed at bodies, educational institutions and associations that want to introduce sports activities to the little ones, with a highly qualified approach.

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