Italy 24 Press News

Ruvo di Puglia is there –

The first national network of flower displays and ephemeral arts compositions is born. Made up of 74 Pro Loco and promoted by Unpli with the patronage of Anci, the network brings together floral masters and volunteers from all over Italy, committed to protecting and passing on a ritual with over four centuries of history.

The aim of the Network, presented yesterday at the Ministry of Culture, is to promote and enhance the Infiorata, an event capable of linking local communities to their traditions, bringing them closer to this ancient rite through the creativity and passion of artists and volunteers who use the most diverse techniques and materials, from petals to wood shavings, crocheted flowers, salt, sand or legumes.

Events that are heartfelt and remembered in many regions of Italy, the infiorate are linked, in some cases, to the celebration of Corpus Domini, in others to the spring solstice, but in recent years – thanks also to the commitment of the Pro Loco – from a religious event, they have become real moments of attraction and promotion for many Italian villages.

«The establishment of the Network makes structural the desire to bring together all the Pro Loco, which pay homage to this evocative anniversary and which sees them involved directly or in collaboration with all the organizations of the local communities, such as the parishes – explained the president of the Unpli, Antonino La Spina -. The national network of flower displays and ephemeral arts compositions will undertake to coordinate the activities linked to their implementation, including event planning, promotion and communication, ensuring that the activities of the members of the network respect the quality standards of the organized flower displays and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experience and resources between the associations present within it”. The president then recalled that «one of the events that we will certainly undertake to carry forward, with energy and resources, is the Infiorata of the Pro Loco of Italy which since 2018 has brought together a large group of volunteers from the entire Peninsula, which carries forward this priceless intangible cultural heritage, offering a unique show of colors that adorns and perfumes the churchyard during the day of the patron saints of the Capital. An anniversary that has its roots in Rome, where the Pro Loco Roma Capitale has been organizing the Historical Infiorata of the Capital for 13 years.”

The Infiorate of all the Pro Loco registered with Unpli and the Fondazione Pro Loco Italia Ets that deal with the organization and creation of the compositions in the territory of competence and operating in compliance with the principles contained in the Unesco Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage can join the Network. «From this first network – said the president of the Study Center for Cultural Heritage – Fondazione Pro Loco Italia Ets, Fernando Tomasello – many others will be born to ensure that this cultural heritage is preserved in Italy. With the Infiorate we become a guardian of the landscapes. With the strengthening of the values ​​that the community expresses there is also an economic return. This is the link between tourism and culture. This initiative is unique and I ask this experience to be a source of pride for all of us, but above all a responsibility to transmit this passion and this commitment to the development of this beautiful place that is Italy».

The Pro Loco adhering to the National Network of Infiorate and Ephemeral Arts Compositions are: Pro Loco of Carsoli (Aq), Pescasseroli (Aq), Magliano dei Marsi (Aq), Gissi (Ch), Pollutri (Ch), San Giovanni Teatino (Ch), San Salvo (Ch), Villamagna (Ch), Torricella Sicura (Te), Bernalda (Mt), Bella (Pz), Castelsaraceno (Pz), Marsico (Pz), Rotonda (Pz), Ruvo del Monte ( Pz), Sant’Angelo le Fratte (Pz), Tramutola (Pz), Paola (Cs), Circello (Bn), Cusano Mutri (Bn), Paduli (Bn), Casamicciola Terme (Na), Ferentino (Fr), Itri (Lt), Arsoli (Rm), Genazzano (Rm), Genzano di Roma (Rm), Rome, Valmontone (Rm), Acquapendente (Vt), Gallese (Vt), San Marcello (An), Ortezzano (Fm), Servigliano (Fm), Cagli (Pu), Fermignano (Pu), Mercatello sul Metauro (Pu), Piobbico (Pu), Cercepiccola (Cb), Guglionesi (Cb), Riccia (Cb), Ruvo di Puglia (Ba)Candela (Fg), Serracapriola (Fg), Volturino (Fg), Patù (Le), Santa Maria di Leuca (Le), Tortolì (Og), Arzachena (Ss), Acquaviva Platani (Cl), Acireale (Ct), Sant’Alfio (Ct), Nicosia (En), Castroreale (Me), San Pier Niceto (Me), Baucina (Pa), Caltavuturo (Pa), Giardinello (Pa), Vicari (Pa), Noto (Sr), Calatafimi Segesta (Tp), Ceretto Guidi (Fi), Fucecchio (Fi), Scarperia and San Piero (Fi), Sorano (Gr), San Miniato (Pi), Piancastagnaio (Si), Riva del Garda (Tn), Tenna (Tn), Assisi (Pg), Cannara (Pg), Granze (Pd), Pontelongo (Pd) and Noale (Ve).

During the event, moderated by Beppe Convertini, the following speakers also spoke: Ich Ngo Forum president Robert Baron; the director of International Relations of the Ministry of Culture, Mariassunta Peci; the director of the Unesco Office of the Mic, Stefano Musco; the head of the Anci Culture department, Vincenzo Santoro; the president of the Central Institute for Intangible Heritage, Leandro Ventura; and the president of Isto Europa Gianluca Pastorelli. Many mayors of the municipalities that have joined the Network were also present.

Saturday 29 June 2024


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