Italy 24 Press News

dear Occhiuto, decision-making alone is not enough

Bianca Rende, Cosenza city councilor: decision-making is evidently not enough to be rewarded by the Calabrians

The reconfirmation of Flavio Stasi as mayor of Corigliano and Rossano sealed the success of the merger between the pre-existing Municipalities, confirming, despite the many difficulties encountered, the goodness of a far-sighted administrative choice. An eloquent signal, I think, for the few who still choose positions now surpassed by reality.

Bianca Rende – Cosenza city councilor

Even in Cosenza-Rende-Castrolibero, once unified, I believe that the electoral result would be very open and, also supported by the results of the European elections, could lead to a self-defeat of the center right.

The President of the Region, Occhiuto, well-versed in legislative and parliamentary matters, must take note that his dissent, only in the media on differentiated autonomy, does not exonerate the suspicion of a “game of parts” in his party.

Clearly decision-making is not enough to be rewarded by the Calabrians, concrete and far-reaching actions are needed.

Today Calabria has no representative in the Council of Ministers and not even an undersecretary competent in the contexts in which the economic and not only seasonal future of tourism and agriculture is decided;

Employment reaches the pre-covid percentage of 44.6%, only due to an increase in workers in temporary services and the fatal reduction of residents and those of working age and in fact the number of real employed people while the unions are struggling to defend the 1000 former Abramo employees, the over 4000 Tis and many others who live in precarious conditions with wages rising by only 1.5% in the face of inflation at 8.1%.

The National Fund for Public Investments, which also collects the savings of Calabrians not only in government bonds but in postal deposits, finances the birth of new industries elsewhere and with lower interest rates, reducing the competitiveness of Calabrian companies. The Giga factory announces a green hydrogen factory in Cernusco sul Naviglio, in partnership with Eni’s SNAM, which will employ 200 people and 2000 in related industries, in Novara the Silicon box for microprocessors and 1600 jobs.

Ed in Calabria?

There is a lack of a real energy policy, while the concrete construction of the regasification terminal off the coast of Gioia Tauro would seriously cut production costs for companies interested in locating in the rear port area, which remains central to the development of Calabria.

The new Cosenza hub hospital attached to the Medical degree course could provide work to thousands of qualified people, as happened with the establishment of UNICAL. More than just a single city!

Governor Occhiuto should ask for a meeting with Meloni, putting forward a true idea of ​​development of Calabria in the Mediterranean that deserves attention no less than the Scampia neighborhood, as the commendable efforts of the public force led by a competent and courageous Judiciary will never be enough to extinguish the crime without providing productive work to young people who leave or commit crimes to survive.

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