Italy 24 Press News

Cgil Puglia, mobilization against differentiated autonomy

«Ours is an appeal to mobilization. Especially those in the Noon lives, works, produces, has roles of social and political representation, must take action to form committees and collect signatures in order to reject a project that divides the country and accentuates inequalities”. Gigia Buccigeneral secretary of Cgil Puglialaunches the Apulian campaign against differentiated autonomy and calls together the various subjects who in recent months have already expressed opposition and concern for a reform that, with the definitive approval by the Chamber and the promulgation by the President of the Republic, has become state law.

For this reason, the CGIL Puglia calls on all the social and political forces, the representatives of the institutions, the world of associations and civil and political commitment, «to give life to an extraordinary and widespread mobilization, establishing committees promoting the referendum in the territories abrogation of differentiated autonomy, thus starting the collection of signatures”. “It is a commitment – he says – to the defense of democracy, of the Constitution, of equality between territories and citizens. For a social model that looks at collective well-being starting from the people most in difficulty and that does not reward the selfishness of the rich. The country that would emerge from this would be more unjust and weak overall. Let’s mobilize, now, immediately. In defense of the unity of the country and equal rights”.


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