Italy 24 Press News

GDP increase, record for Sicily: in 2023 the figure is +2.2%

Positive record for the Sicilian economy: in 2023 there was an increase in GDP, the gross domestic product, of 2.2 percent. This is the best data among all the Italian regions. According to the Svimez report, the South recorded the best performance with a 1.3% increase in GDP in volume. Employment, measured in terms of the number of employed people, increased by 1.8% nationally. Growth which was concentrated in the South with a 2.5% increase in the overall number of employed people. Construction is confirmed in 2023 as the leading sector of the economy, recording a growth in added value of 4.6% in the area. The sectors of financial, real estate and professional services (+3.3%), commerce, public businesses, transport and telecommunications (+1.6%) and Other services (+0.9%) also contributed to the positive performance. . However, negative results were recorded in agriculture, with a drop in added value in volume of 3.2%, and in industry in the strict sense (-0.5%).

The regional secretary of Sicily and national vice president of Conflavoro, Giuseppe Pullara, states: «Believing in Sicily and the South means having faith in the potential, recognizing their resources, capabilities and development opportunities. It means not only hoping for a better future, but also taking action to achieve it – says Pullara – by supporting local businesses and promoting economic and social growth. Small and medium-sized businesses represent the engine of the southern economy and supporting their activities, through access to credit, training and innovation, is fundamental for growth.”

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