Italy 24 Press News

Giulia Gabbrielleschi earns pass to Paris Olympics

PIOMBINO – On the last dive. Giulia Gabbrielleschi won the pass for Paris in the 10 kilometers in open water which took place today in Piombino, valid for the Italian Championships.

Giulia Gabrielleschi

The champion from Pistoia came in third, behind the Brazilian Olympic champion Cunha Ana Marcela and, above all, leaving her direct rival Barbara Pozzobon behind by a good 5 seconds. With a time of 1’57’26” she thus took the green light needed to arrive under the Eiffel Tower. She had been chasing this result for a long time and had come close to it several times. She found it a stone’s throw from home, in the waters of Piombino.

“He played a careful, tactical, very intelligent race,” commented his coach Maximilian Lombardialso a Pistoian and who does not hide his emotion. “She has earned her place with great merit, now we will try to prepare for a great race in Paris”. The flat waters of the Seine are an ideal ‘terrain’ for Giulia, who will be able to express great potential and make an important performance among the 26 athletes from all over the world who will compete with her.

Giulia on the podium in Piombino

“Pistoia at the Olympics with its extraordinary swimmer, Giulia Gabbrielleschi, ambassador of sport for our city – writes the Mayor Tomasicommenting on the good news that just arrived. And concludes: “…and then go Giulia! Go Azzurri!”

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