Italy 24 Press News

Municipality of Pesaro: The resonant forest

The project continues Pesaro 2024 which takes shape in the section of the ‘living nature of culture’. ‘The resounding forest it is an audio, physical and digital installation on a network of 33 trees (monumental and otherwise) selected in the Pesaro area, which reconstitutes a community of living people in which citizens can reflect themselves, rethink their human condition and remeasure time. From 31 May to 6 September, eight of the 33 trees protagonists of ‘il Bosco resonante’ will become “host places” for as many live events: meetings, concerts, readings, workshops. The selection of the trees and the writing of the texts that describe their botanical characteristics and the natural and human history that the plants have witnessed during the course of their long life, was entrusted to 9 botanists and naturalists Sauro Bigelli, Virgilio Dionisi, Andrea Fazi, Massimo Guerra, Roberto Mancini, Simone Paci, Andrea Pellegrini, Fabio Salbitano, Fulvio Tosi and to the historian Richard Paul Uguccioni. 26 readers of Le Voci dei Libri APS who will give voice to the trees. The project is implemented by The Voices of the APS Books.

Friday 26 July, 6.00 pm
Carpegna, Sant’Angelo OAK
Simone Paci dialogue with Anthony Moresco
readings by A. Moresco
of and with Marilena Alessi, Monica Angelini, Adriana Trogu – The Voices of the Books APS
following LEAF IMPRESSIONS, laboratory curated by Simone Paci

upcoming events
Friday 16th August, 6.00pm Hills at Metauro, Saltara, Villa del Balì CYPRESS
readings from Nicoletta Costa, Mickael El Fathi, Roberto Parmeggiani, Roberto Piumini, Gianni Rodari, Bruno Tognolini, Shel Silverstein
con Eleonora Macciocchi, Dalia Marcheggiani, Lia Ottaviani, Teresa Sbarbati – The Little Voices of books
following AND YOU, WHAT TREE ARE YOU? workshop by Fulvio Tosi and Roberto Mancini

Friday 30 August, 6.00 pm Mombaroccio, Blessed Sante LIME AND BLACK HORNBEAM
Introduction Andrea Pellegrini
followed by ABITARE LA TERRA with Silvio Castiglioni

Friday 6 September, 6.00 pm Pesaro, Galantara Park, CYPRESS
of and with Andrea Fazi
readings from D. G. Haskell, I. Calvino, H. Hesse
con Beatrice Galli, Mara Marcantoni, Lorena Mombello, Luigi Sica – The Voices of the Books APS
Musical interventions by Elena Santini violin

Free and open admission to all events

The program may be subject to change. In case of rain, some events may be held indoors, others will be postponed to a date to be determined.


CYPRESS – Pesaro, Gardens of Villa Caprile
Authors Andrea Fazi and Riccardo Paolo Uguccioni Voice Giuseppe Esposto

CAUCASIAN FIR – Pesaro, Miralfiore Park

Authors Andrea Fazi Voice Luigi Sica

ALEPPO PINE – Pesaro, Miralfiore Park
Authors Andrea Fazi and Riccardo Paolo Uguccioni Voice Corrado Capparelli

CYPRESS – Pesaro, Galantara Park

Author Andrea Fazi Voice Roberto Minuz

PLATANO – Pesaro, Via Gagarin
Author Fabio Salbitano Voice Tommaso Andruccioli

ROVERELLA – Pesaro, Santa Maria dell’Arzilla
Author Roberto Mancini Voice Patrizia Romagnoli

TAMERICE – Pesaro, Viale Trieste
Author Fabio Salbitano Voice Francesca Di Modugno

ELM – Acqualagna, San Vincenzo al Furlo

Author Andrea Fazi Voice Giuseppe Mezzino

WHITE FIR – Borgo Pace, Bocca Trabaria

Author Massimo Guerra Voice Mirko Rossini

FIELD MAPLE – Borgo Pace, Lamoli
Author Massimo Guerra Voice Thomas Galli

BEECH – Cagli, Ranco Pierello Protected Floristic Area

Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Claudio Bordoni

OAK – Cagli, Ca’ Bargello (Monte Paganuccio)

Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Mara Marcantoni

BEECH – Cantiano, Bosco di Tecchie

Author Andrea Pellegrini Voice Luca Cenciarini

PLATANO – Carpegna, Garden of the Princes’ Palace

Author Simone Paci Voice Emanuele Savini

OAK – Carpegna, Sant’Angelo
Author Simone Paci Voice Lucia Ferrati

CYPRESS – Saltara (Metauro Hills), Villa del Balì

Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Luca Sinelli

AILANTHO – Fano, Cuccurano
Author Fulvio Tosi Voice Luca Sinelli

COUNTRY ELM – Fano, Archilei House

Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Antonio Boiano

BLACK POPLAR – Fano, Madonna del Ponte, left bank of the Metauro river
Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Enrico Fossa

THREE POPLARS – Fano, Cerbara

Author Fulvio Tosi Voices Enrico Fossa, Giuseppe Mezzino, Roberto Minuz

ROVERELLA – Fossombrone, Santa Maria della Valle

Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Maria Rosa Cecchini

BLACK HORNBEAM – Mombaroccio, Blessed Sante

Author Andrea Fazi Voice Elisabetta Liz Marsigli

TIGLIO – Mombaroccio, Beato Sante
Author Andrea Fazi Voice Giorgio Donini

ROBINIA AND CEDAR – Mondavio, Giardini G. Leopardi

Author Sauro Bigelli Voices Adriana Trogu, Claudio Bordoni

ROVERELLA – Mondavio, San Filippo sul Cesano
Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Silvia Melini

BEECH – Piobbico, Casciaia (Monte Nerone)
Author Virgilio Dionisi Voice Franco Sotte

TASSO – Serra Sant’Abbondio, Fonte Avellana
Authors Fabio Salbitano and Riccardo Paolo Uguccioni Voice Giuseppe Esposto

PLATANO – Urbino, Valerio School

Authors Andrea Fazi and Riccardo Paolo Uguccioni Voice Giorgio Donini

ROVERELLA – Urbino, Loc. Palazzo del Piano

Author Fulvio Tosi Voice Elena Avanzi

MULBERRY – Vallefoglia, Montefabbri di Colbordolo
Author Fabio Salbitano Voice Marcella Tomassoli

The monumental trees
The art. 7 of Law 10/2013 defines a “monumental tree” as “the tall tree isolated or part of natural or artificial forest formations (…), the typical secular tree (…) rare example of majesty and longevity, for age or size, or of particular naturalistic value, due to botanical rarity and peculiarity of the species, (…) which bear a precise reference to events or memories relevant from a historical, cultural, documentary or local tradition point of view; (…) including those located in urban centers and (…) in particular architectural complexes of historical and cultural importance, such as (…) villas, monasteries, churches, botanical gardens and private historic residences”. Like monuments built by men, the monumental tree (a living example of resilience and biodiversity) is, at the same time, a botanical, historical and cultural archive. These ‘green giants’ deserve to be known, respected and listened to. And not only the trees defined as ‘monumental’, but also those which are, due to botanical and “historical” peculiarities, true witnesses of time: monuments of living, natural and cultural memory. It is important to give them a Voice to be able to ‘present’ themselves and to ‘tell’ their stories.

The resonant forest
By Lucy Ferrati
Implementing entity: The Voices of the Books APS, Pesaro

Texts edited by: Sauro Bigelli, Virgilio Dionisi, Andrea Fazi, Massimo Guerra, Roberto Mancini, Simone Paci, Andrea Pellegrini, Fabio Salbitano, Fulvio Tosi, Riccardo Paolo Uguccioni

voices The Voices of the APS Books of Tommaso Andruccioli, Elena Avanzi, Antonio Boiano, Claudio Bordoni, Corrado Capparelli, Maria Rosa Cecchini, Luca Cenciarini, Francesca Di Modugno, Giorgio Donini, Giuseppe Esposto, Lucia Ferrati, Enrico Fossa, Thomas Galli, Mara Marcantoni, Elisabetta Liz Marsigli, Silvia Melini , Giuseppe Mezzino, Roberto Minuz, Patrizia Romagnoli, Mirko Rossini, Emanuele Savini, Luigi Sica, Luca Sinelli, Franco Sotte, Marcella Tomassoli, Adriana Trogu

Sound environments care of the sound designer Nicola Casetta/Conservatory “G. Rossini’
Podcast and QRcode creation by Attilio Marotta, digital technology developer
Design, construction and positioning of signage lecterns Studio 83 Communication/Pesaro

Project partners:
Province of Pesaro and Urbino; the 16 Municipalities of Acqualagna, Borgo Pace, Cagli, Cantiano, Carpegna, Colli Al Metauro (Saltara), Fano, Fossombrone, Mombaroccio, Mondavio, Piobbico, Pesaro, Serra Sant’Abbondio, Terre Roveresche (Piagge), Urbino, Vallefoglia; the Associations: Argonauta/Fano, Garden Club/Pesaro, Lupus in Fabula/Pesaro, the Pesaro Society of Historical Studies/Pesaro; “A.Cecchi” Higher Education Institute Villa Caprile/Pesaro.
With the collaboration of: AST, Simone and Simoncello Park Authority e with the support of: Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro Foundation

Info  |

Pesaro 2024 – Italian Capital of Culture is possible thanks to:

Institutional partners: Municipality of Pesaro, UNESCO, Ministry of Culture, Marche Region.
With the support of: Marche Chamber of Commerce, Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro Foundation, CTE Square – House of Emerging Technologies.
Main partners: Scavolini, Intesa Sanpaolo, Hera Group
Gold partner: TeamSystem, Enel, Amplia, Freetox;
Partners: Lindbergh Hotels & Resorts, Fox Petroli, Renco, Alpitour World, Fileni, Si con te, Lancia Impresa Edile.
Supporters: Benelli Moto, Ratti, Coop Alleanza 3.0, Felici Costruzioni e Restauri, Dago Elettronica
Food partner: Food Brand Marche.
’50×50 Capital Squared’ Special Partner ”: Banca di Pesaro – Credito Cooperativo
Technical partners: Maggioli Culture and Tourism, Wanda di Ferdinando Foundation, APA Hotels, ASPES spa
With the contribution of: Confartigianato Imprese Ancona – Pesaro and Urbino, Confcommercio Pesaro and Urbino/Marche Nord, Confindustria Pesaro Urbino, CNA, Cassa di Risparmio di Fano Foundation
Official airport: Ancona International Airport.
Media partners: Ansa, QN – National Daily – Il Resto del Carlino, RAI, Interni
Official Radio: Rai Radio2
Thanks to: Sound D-Light

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