Italy 24 Press News

Gorgovivo, Signorini at the top

Important news for Stefania Signorini who, yesterday morning, was appointed president of the assembly of mayors of the Gorgovivo Consortium, the organization that brings together twenty municipalities in the Ancona and Macerata areas and is the owner of the state concession for the collection of water linked to the Gorgovivo spring, in the territory of Serra San Quirico. The election was unanimous. “I thank my colleagues who proposed me as president and who elected me unanimously – commented the mayor of Falconara and, since yesterday, new president of the assembly of mayors of Gorgovivo Stefania Signorini -. I am aware of the importance of this position: the water network is a strategic structure, because water is the resource par excellence and should not be taken for granted. The Gorgovivo spring is a precious asset, which must be protected. Today’s challenge is to identify other sources, to implement the available resources, a path that we are already pursuing”. The Gorgovivo Consortium was born in the 1960s with eight municipalities in the province of Ancona. Today, however, there are twenty in total: Agugliano, Ancona, Belvedere Ostrense, Camerano, Camerata Picena, Cerreto d’Esi, Chiaravalle, Esanatoglia, Falconara Marittima, Genga, Jesi, Matelica, Monsano, Monte San Vito, Montemarciano, Morro d’Alba, Offagna, Polverigi, San Marcello and Senigallia.

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