Italy 24 Press News

Tuscany regional elections, the League is pushing for center-right primaries

“The regional board of the Lega Toscana held today in Florence welcomed very positively the idea launched by our deputy Andrea Barabotti of holding primaries to choose the center-right candidate for governor in the next regional elections. It is a method proposal that we make available to the entire coalition and on which we want to discuss calmly with our allies. These elections are the main challenge for all of us, we must start again from the record result obtained in 2020 by Susanna Ceccardi with the aim of surpassing it and winning. Through the primaries, we could broaden popular participation by letting the territories and civic realities express themselves. We are ready for this hypothesis.

As regards the European elections, we congratulated our candidate Susanna Ceccardi for the excellent result achieved which saw her as the most voted in Tuscany after the leaders Meloni and Vannacci, surpassing even Tajani in terms of number of preferences. An avalanche of votes that testifies to the absolute appreciation for the great work you have done in Europe. At the level of municipal elections, we recorded with enormous satisfaction the historic result obtained by the League in Ponsacco, a municipality conquered after 75 years of uninterrupted domination by the left. Furthermore, we have reconfirmed several mayors, a sign that the League knows how to administer well and has a mature and competent local ruling class. The ‘issue’ of Montecatini remains, the outcome of which is currently uncertain and on which we will not give up an inch. We need clarity and this is why we appealed. We are confident that a reality different from the one that emerged ‘immediately’ from the polls will emerge from the recount.”

Source: Lega Toscana

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