Italy 24 Press News

Degradation in Piazza Puglia, the complaint of Nunzio Angiola: “Proceed immediately”

“There are all the ingredients that make the central Piazza Puglia the emblem of the city’s degradation. From the branches of the trees that almost reach the ground, invading the already very deteriorated pavement and preventing the passage of people, to the defaced benches; from the dirt and waste to the signs of violent vandalism to the damage of stairs and perimeter walls, not to mention debris scattered everywhere and various non-artistic graffiti; the new LED lights radiate light from above, well above the thick foliage of the centuries-old trees, leaving the part below in the shadow and some points of the square in pitch darkness, making the square unsafe at night, up to the degradation of the surrounding buildings, all in turn massively defaced”.

This was stated by city councilor Nunzio Angiola following an inspection, supported by extensive photographic documentation, in one of the most important squares of the city.And if we think – continued Angiola – that the square is located at the entrance to the Faculty of Engineering and on the side of the Altamura-Da Vinci Institute and that therefore before the schools closed and the end of university classes hundreds of students passed by there every day; if we think that the square has a high population density, if we think that you pass through via Rotundi to reach Piazza Italia and the Department of Economics in via Caggese; if we think that thousands of cars pass through that square every day; if we think that there are public offices in the square, that there is a supermarket, a gas station and a bank, along with other commercial activities, the message that is transmitted to the entire city community and to foreigners who come to Foggia is destructive, a message of laxity, indifference and lack of seriousness. This is not our city, we don’t like it, we don’t want it, let’s fix it!”.

Angiola points the finger at the Municipal Administration: “All these circumstances, combined, unequivocally reflect the carelessness of the local community and the lack of specific interventions by the municipal administration that demonstrates that it does not know how to move by giving itself an order of priorities, to solve the most urgent problems that require unpostponable solutions. Let’s act immediately”.

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