Italy 24 Press News

Yellow alert for strong thunderstorms in Piedmont on 29 and 30 June

In Piedmont, Friday 28 June was the hottest day of the month with peaks of 33-34°C. But today temperatures will start to drop and precipitation will arrive: the first will develop in the morning on the western Alpine arc and will be associated with Saharan sandfall. In the afternoon of Saturday 29 June the arrival of unstable cold air will weaken the anticyclonic structure; precipitation will extend from the Alps to the piedmont areas and will take on a stormy character. These are the forecasts of Arpa Piemonte which identifies the Canavese, the Valli di Lanzo, the upper Vercellese and the Verbano among the areas where the most intense rainfall is expected.

“Strong thunderstorms with hail are also expected in the western foothills, hills and plains of Turin including the capital and flat areas of the provinces of Novara and Vercelli. Probable involvement also in the Langhe and Monferrato while less intense phenomena are expected in the Maritime and Ligurian Alps and in the more southern sectors of the provinces of Asti and Alessandria. The storms will also be accompanied by strong gusts of descending wind, lightning and local flooding and isolated slope phenomena may occur”. As a consequence of these forecasts, the Arpa Piemonte Functional Center has issued a yellow alert for hydrogeological risk for thunderstorms in the plain areas and in the north-western sector.

On Sunday the depression circulation will move away towards the north-east, favoring an improvement in the weather over Piedmont starting from the southern sector; However, there will still be heavy rainfall in the northern sector in the hours before dawn.

Areas most at risk

For today and tomorrow the bulletin indicates the yellow alert for the following areas:

A – Toce (NO-VB)
B – Val Sesia, Cervo and Chiusella (BI-TO-VC)
C – Orco, Lanzo, lower Susa and Sangone valleys (TO)
D – Upper Susa valley, Chisone, Pellice and Po (CN-TO)
I – Northern Plain (AL-AT-BI-NO-TO-VC)
L – Turin Plain and Hills (AL-AT-CN-TO)

M- Pianura Cuneese (CN-TO) only Saturday 29th June

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