Italy 24 Press News

San Cristoforo: checks on vehicles, people, commercial activities – Catania

The attention of the State Police continues in the neighborhoods of the center of the city.

As part of the extraordinary control activity of the territory, aimed at combating and preventing widespread crime and all forms of illegality, the agents of the Catania Police Headquarters, in recent days, have carried out new and targeted checks in various neighborhoods of the city, with the now consolidated module called Integrated Territorial Control.

As usual, the control actions, coordinated by the “Central” Public Security Commissariat and the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office with the intervention of the “San Cristoforo” Commissariat, the Crime Prevention Department, the X Mobile Department, the Police Scientific together with the Local Police, were carried out on different days and times with the aim of making the checks more incisive and unpredictable.

The impressive control operation was carried out, once again, with the support of the helicopter of the V Flight Department of the State Police, based in Reggio Calabria.

The importance of controlling the territory, even from above, in services of this kind, is fundamental since the helicopter is able to have a general vision of all the activities taking place in the field, also guaranteeing a safety framework within which patrol personnel operate.

In particular, a total of 211 people were checked, including several with criminal records, and 81 vehicles.

Among the people checked, the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters is examining the position of two Albanian citizens, while the presence of a 61-year-old Tunisian man in the State’s territory has been ascertained as being irregular, for which the procedure for expulsion and subsequent repatriation has been implemented.

The attention of the police was also directed to some commercial activities in the area, controlled together with the personnel of the ASP Veterinary Service, the ASP Public Hygiene Service and the Labor Inspectorate.

In detail, a bakery and two butchers were checked and their operations were suspended. In one of the butcher shops, the Labor Inspectorate found serious violations of the regulations relating to safety in the workplace, also verifying the presence of illegal staff. Furthermore, the ASP verified the failure to comply with the procedures for controlling the healthiness of food products. Therefore, in this circumstance, the immediate suspension of the activity was ordered and fines of over 28 thousand euros were imposed.

For the second butcher shop inspected, a deferred suspension of activity was ordered due to the lack of professional requirements and administrative compliance, with fines of 5 thousand euros, in addition to complaints from the Local Police.

In the bakery, however, illegal occupation of public land, failure to label products and other administrative violations were found, resulting in fines of over 3 thousand euros.

The object of the check was also an amusement arcade, where the customers were identified, and also two car repair shops, one of which was administratively fined for a total of 16 thousand euros, because it was completely without any authorization; in this case the accessory sanction of seizure of the equipment was also applied.

The Flying Squad officers, with the support of the helicopter from above, also carried out numerous checks and searches in many homes in the neighbourhood. This activity also required further investigation into the position of two individuals who, for this reason, were accompanied to the Police Headquarters offices.

Finally, the police carried out several checks on individuals subject to restrictions on personal freedom.

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