Italy 24 Press News

«Municipality available to organize it on a suitable date»

Regarding the failure to hold the cycling event “La Pedalata con Perini”, Salvatore Scafuto, municipal councilor of the Democratic Party, intervenes, illustrating the position of the Tarasconi Administration. «The Municipality of Piacenza – explains Scafuto – wishes to clarify some points regarding the cycling event “La Pedalata con Perini”, in light of some misleading statements that have recently emerged. In particular, it is necessary to specify that the Municipality has not cancelled any cycling event, but was forced to react to circumstances beyond its control. The Municipal Administration, and the Department of Sport in particular, have always shown great interest and commitment to the success of the event. “La Pedalata con Perini” was initially scheduled for Sunday 23 June. However, due to the bad weather forecast for that day, the organizers of the event themselves decided to cancel the event. This decision was motivated by safety reasons, given the impossibility of guaranteeing optimal conditions for participants in the presence of weather conditions. Immediately after the cancellation of June 23, the Municipality of Piacenza began working with the organizers to find a new suitable date for the event. It was proposed to reschedule the event for Saturday, June 29. This date had been carefully chosen, despite its proximity to the Piacenza stage of the Tour de France, scheduled for Monday, July 1. The municipal offices had guaranteed safety along the route, also thanks to the collaboration of the Local Police and other municipal bodies. The organizers proposed Sunday, June 30 as the new date for “La Pedalata con Perini”. However, this proposal was not feasible for the Municipality of Piacenza. The date chosen by the organizers coincided with the day on which the Tour de France “caravan” was scheduled to arrive in Piacenza. The coincidence with an event of this magnitude, the most important sporting event ever organized in Piacenza, made it impossible to manage two major events at the same time. All municipal bodies, including the Local Police, were already on the front lines to ensure the safety and success of the Tour de France. Despite the organizers’ refusal to accept the proposed date of June 29 and in light of the issues related to the management of events on June 30, the Municipality of Piacenza remains available to evaluate other dates for “La Pedalata con Perini”. The Municipal Administration, and in particular the Department of Sport, continues to hold the event in high regard and wishes to collaborate with the organizers to find a solution that will allow the event to be rescheduled in a safe and manageable manner. In conclusion, the Municipality of Piacenza reaffirms its commitment to promoting sporting events and expresses its willingness to collaborate closely with the organizers to ensure the success of “La Pedalata con Perini” on a date that is suitable for all stakeholders involved”.

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