Italy 24 Press News

Ail Brescia 2023: 82 thousand euros for research

Free Court

Jun 29, 2024 1:41 PM

The presentation of the 2023 Social Report of AIL Brescia entitled “Tutti insieme siamo” (All together we can) was held on Saturday 29 June in Borgonato di Corte Franca. The event, moderated by Dr. Claudia Caroselli, Fundraising Manager, and Dr. Giuseppe Navoni, President of AIL Brescia, was hosted by Cantine Guido Berlucchi. 2023 is the third year of social reporting for AIL Brescia, and therefore the continuation of a path that has led the Association to achieve numerous advances in terms of transparency and accountability, as well as in the presentation of the results achieved in recent years.

The Social Report illustrates the results obtained, the involvement of the Stakeholders and the social impact of AIL Brescia, to understand the effects of the activities carried out on the community, in compliance with its mission, trying to improve the lives of onco-haematological patients and their family members taking care of them every day, to tackle blood cancers together. The Social Report therefore has the task of measuring the value generated by the Association in the Brescia area. “The extraordinary strength of the volunteers combined with the support of the generous citizens of Brescia has made and continues to make our projects concrete – explains President Giuseppe Navoni -. An authentic miracle accomplished by combining sacrifice, honesty and transparency. […] Everyone’s affection and the great shared gestures of solidarity have drastically reduced the loneliness and sense of confusion that upsets the sick and their families who face the difficult path of the disease. The contribution and support of many associations, private individuals, companies and institutions has been decisive in further changing the Brescia haematological reality for the better and making it an Italian excellence. Thanks therefore to everyone and in particular to the healthcare workers who work daily with humanity and professionalism in our departments”.

82,050 euros have been allocated to Research: AIL Brescia maintains its commitment to supporting CREA, AIL Brescia Research Center, and four Research projects, in particular two on Lymphomas, one on Myeloma and one on the quality of life of Patients undergoing transplants. Thanks to this commitment, the Association confirms its desire to support Scientific Research and contribute to the fight against blood diseases. Last year the Association allocated a significant portion of the funds to the Assistance of Onco-Hematological Patients and their families, for a total of 393,151 euros. AIL Brescia has managed to support, through its projects, 6,871 Patients in Hematology DHs, 78 people taken in charge for home care, 65 patients and 129 companions hosted in Reception Houses and 345 patients and caregivers followed by the AIL Brescia Psychologist Team in Hospital. One of the objectives of AIL Brescia is to raise awareness of the issues of blood diseases, in order to bring more and more people closer to its mission, allocating 25,165 euros to the organization of events, social media activities and the School and Solidarity Project. The Association has received contributions from 5×1000 with reference to the year 2022 for 260,126 euros which have been allocated to the 4 Scientific Research projects and the expansion of the Hematology Department.

The support of Volunteers, Supporters and entities close to the Association has allowed us to reach great goals: from the inauguration of the expansion of the Hematology department to the maintenance of the AIL Houses. The initiatives of the volunteers have been fundamental, who have carried out numerous projects, such as the reception at the Hematology Day Hospitals, in the pediatric department, in the AIL Houses, but also the school and solidarity project, the Walk, You Can! project, the Itaca project and the bAILando project.

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