Italy 24 Press News

“Martinez-Inter, I’m sorry. About Retegui and Gudmundsson…”

Alberto Zangrillo, President of Genoa, discussed various topics related to the outgoing market: on Martinez, Retegui and Gudmundsson…

Eleventh place in the season just ended, with forty-nine points won and a well-defined playing identity. The future smiles on Genoaa club well aware of the need to consolidate the excellent performances demonstrated during the year just ended. To achieve this, the Griffin will have to be able to repel the risk of looting the various jewels available to Alberto Gilardinowith the coach more than confirmed considering the work done in these two years, in Genoa. There are several clubs, Italian and foreign, ready to knock on the door of the Grifone for the various Gudmundsson, Retegui e Frendrup, among the most sought-after footballers on the market. From this point of view, Genoa will try to raise their fort to avoid giving up the most important elements, but the first and painful exit would have already been defined, that of Josep Martinezextreme defender one step away fromInter.

Speaking on the matter, the President, Alberto Zangrillo, wanted to clarify the club’s position towards the outgoing market. Here is what the Genoa patron declared to the microphones of those present on the sidelines of the Lega Serie A Assembly: “We don’t intend to sell off our jewels, that’s for sure. Personally, I have given a mandate to our Sporting Director to take into consideration the possibility of exchanges, but we will not sell anyone out. Gudmundsson and Retegui received the attention of three/four colleagues. Certainly, a departure that would pain me a lot would be that of Martinez, an extraordinary goalkeeper and a person of great moral value. The market hasn’t started yet, but I read it as a preview of this negotiation”, Zangrillo confirmed.

In addition to the article: “Genoa, Zangrillo: “Martinez-Inter, I’m sorry. On Retegui and Gudmundsson…”, read also:

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