Italy 24 Press News

Barberino di Mugello and ambulance. Sara di Maio in contact with ASL Toscana center

Sara di Maio © Sara di Maio

The Mayor of the Municipality of Barberino di Mugello, Sara Di Maio, released a statement regarding the issue of the First Aid Point, underlining her direct commitment starting from the day following her appointment. She explained that she immediately got in touch with the leaders of ASL Toscana Centro, given that, although it is not the direct responsibility of the Municipality, the issue is of great importance for the community, (Click here to read the previous news). Below is the released note:

“Statements of the Mayor of the Municipality of Barberino di Mugello Sara Di Maio

From the day immediately following my appointment I became directly interested in this matter, immediately getting in touch with the top management of ASL Toscana Centro because the topic, as I have had the opportunity to say several times, although not the direct responsibility of the Municipality, is certainly important for all of us.

The information I had gathered was partially reassuring, at least regarding the timing. In fact, ASL had spoken to me about a decision to be reviewed after the end of the summer, in September.

For this purpose I had already agreed on a meeting scheduled for next week.
That will be the occasion to reiterate that we believe it is essential to maintain the First Aid Point regardless of the plan already approved by the transport committee formed by ASL and associations. The plans can be revised based on the needs of the territories!

I am amazed by today’s statement in the press by the President of the Public Assistance Association Maria Bouturlin: the President forgets to explain that at the table that decided on the plan, in addition to the Local Health Authority, Anpas also sat, therefore Bouturlin, certainly not the Mayor or the Mayor.”

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