Italy 24 Press News

Traffic plan for the Bruna festival in Matera

On the occasion of the celebrations for the feast of Maria SS della Bruna, the Municipal Administration has prepared an Urban Mobility Plan that regulates traffic and local roads, with prohibition of car access in some areas of the city center, especially in the area affected by the celebrations. The city center can be reached continuously, thanks to the use of public transport of Local Public Transport, except for the reservation of parking spaces for people with disabilities in via Lucana intersection of via Protospata and via Spine Bianche. The transfer service will be free for citizens who use the shuttles connecting the suburbs and the center, or with departures and arrivals from via Granulari, Serra Rifusa districts and Agna Le Piane. «In these areas – explain the mayor Domenico Bennardi and the councilor for Sustainable Mobility Giuseppe Digilio – public-private interchange zones will be established. An incentive to use public transport, which will allow the streets of the centre to be decongested from traffic, facilitating greater participation in the unique experience of the Strazzo del Carro. These measures, together with the usual anti-alcohol and anti-glass ordinances, the preventive removal of outdoor seating along the entire route of the areas affected by the celebrations and with a greater presence of the local police, were necessary to ensure that the celebrations take place in complete safety”. Prevention and assistance measures, also with the activation of the Municipal Operations Centre (Coc), able to monitor and assist the police, the Fire Brigade and the Civil Protection volunteers, should critical situations arise. “Thanks to the local police and the voluntary associations – concludes Mayor Bennardi – who this year too will guarantee assistance and safety for the entire duration of the celebrations”.

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