Italy 24 Press News


“The appeal of Fp CGIL, CISL Fp and UIL Fpl who asked Bardi to postpone the competitive tests relating to the public competition for qualifications and exams for the recruitment of 18 units of managerial staff in the Basilicata Region cannot fall on deaf ears”.

This is what the regional councilors of the Democratic Party Roberto Cifarelli, Piero Lacorazza and Piero Marrese claim.

“In the absence of a regional government – ​​underline the regional councilors – the acceleration given in this phase of political vacuum to a competition announced in 2022 and ‘dormant’ for practically two years is suspicious to say the least. It is obvious to everyone that the Region needs to strengthen its administrative machinery after years of exodus due to retirement, but calling the participants in the middle of summer, with only 15 days’ notice and even concentrating two written tests on the same day it really seems like an excessive force which penalizes all the participants and, above all, the officials already employed by the Region or other public bodies who have to reconcile work with the needs of preparing for exams”.

“This choice – continue Cifarelli, Lacorazza and Marrese – penalizes participation and many could decide to renounce the competition, thus limiting the possibility of appointing new managers within a more competitive and therefore more qualified audience. We are sure that the need to have more efficient and effective offices is not lost on Bardi, especially by virtue of the management of the funds of the new programming and from this perspective the regional competition for managers is the opportunity for a correct valorisation of the internal staff to give a greater push to spend resources better and more quickly”.

“We therefore reiterate – conclude the regional councilors of the Democratic Party – the unions’ request to move the dates of the tests to the return after the summer holidays, otherwise a question arises spontaneously: cui prodest? We will find out at the end of the tests.”

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