Italy 24 Press News

Tour de France in Piacenza: how traffic changes, parking bans starting today

There is less and less time left: on Monday 1st July Piacenza will be tinged with yellow with the stage of the Tour de France. The passage of the caravan – made up of 2,300 vehicles, 200 trucks, over 4,000 people, seven helicopters and more – will lead to significant changes to the traffic in our city. In fact, some changes are already in force today, Saturday 29 June, as well as tomorrow, Sunday 30 June, to ensure the safety and proper conduct of the event.

Race programme

The caravan will leave at 9.15am from Viale Malta, while the “Maglia Gialla” group will set off at 11.15am from the same point. The exit from Piacenza towards Sant’Antonio is scheduled at 9.35 for the caravan and at 11.35 for the “Maglia giallo” group. The passage to Rottofreno is expected around 11:40.


To reach the city on July 1st, free shuttles are available every 10 minutes from the Expo, the cemetery, the stadium and the Veggioletta.

Parking bans

From 2:00 pm today (June 29) to 3:00 pm on July 1st, the parking ban with forced removal along various streets and squares of the city: viale Malta, viale Palmerio, viale Beverora in the section from number 36 to the intersection with viale Palmerio, via Nova, corso Vittorio Emanuele II in the section from piazzale Genova to via Venturini, piazzale Genova, via Venturini, stradone Farnese in the section from via Venturini to via Giordani, via Giordani in the section from stradone Farnese to piazza Sant’Antonino, piazza Sant’Antonino, via Sant’Antonino, largo Battisti, piazza Mercanti, piazza Cavalli, via Sopramuro in the section from piazza Mercanti to via Medoro Savini, via XX Settembre, piazza Duomo, via Romagnosi, via Cavour, viale Risorgimento, via Maculani, via Carducci, via San Giuliano in the section from via XX Settembre to via Romagnosi, piazza Duomo, vicolo Pazzarelli, via Romagnosi, via Cavour, via Baciocchi, viale Risorgimento, via Maculani, parking area via Maculani, piazzale Milano (with the exception of of the continuous turn in the direction of Lodi), via XXI Aprile in the section from via del Pontiere to the roundabout of via XXI Aprile, via Trebbia in the section from via XXI Aprile to the FS border, via Anguissola in the section from via Fontana to via XXI Aprile, via Campagna in the section from via XXI Aprile to strada delle Valli, via XXI Aprile in the section from piazzale Milano to piazzale Torino, piazzale Torino (continuous turn in the direction of via Emilia Pavese), via Colla in the section from via Emilia Pavese to via Coperchini, via Don Carrozza in the section from via Emilia Pavese to via Coperchini, strada della Bosella, via Borotti, via Morenghi, via Emilia Pavese in the section from piazzale Torino to via Tedaldi in the lanes in the direction of Sant’Antonio, via Emilia Pavese in the section from via Tedaldi to via Einaudi in both directions, via Bertucci, via Emilia Pavese in the section from number 147/A to number 147/L, roundabout of via Emilia Pavese and via Einaudi, parking lot of via IV Novembre (“Cheope”) and parking via Gorra (“Garilli stadium”).

Reversal of the direction of travel and changes to circulation

Traffic direction changes will also be implemented in several streets, including via Santa Franca in the section from Stradone Farnese to Via San Siro, via Felice Frasi in the section from Via XX Settembre to Via Sopramuro, via San Giuliano in the section from Via Romagnosi to Via Roma, via X Giugno in the section from Via Roma to Via Gregorio X, and via della Giovanna in the one-way section. Two-way traffic will also be established in Via Roma in the section from Via Cavour to Via X Giugno.

The traffic ban will be reserved exclusively for residents, residents, owners and users of parking spaces who access private properties located in the areas affected by the bans. These will be able to travel the affected streets with the utmost caution. The streets involved include via Gregorio

Closure of State Road No. 10

On Monday 1st July, the Tour de France will also pass through state road n. 10 in via Emilia Pavese. The athletes will enter the municipal area of ​​Rottofreno coming from Piacenza around 11.35 am and will continue towards Castel San Giovanni. The prefecture has ordered the closure of state road no. 10am from 8.15am to 12.15pm. Therefore, the arterial road will not be passable in either direction, making all areas inaccessible without other access routes. To reach Piacenza it will be possible to use the Paladini bridge, while to reach Castel San Giovanni it will be necessary to take the provincial road n. 11 towards Borgonovo Val Tidone.

Other Measures

From 00:00 on June 30 to 23:59 on July 1, the ZTL and APU electronic gates will be temporarily deactivated. During the 3rd stage of the Tour de France, traffic will be prohibited from 06:00 to 24:00 on July 1 within the Zpru (Zone of Particular Urbanistic Relevance) for vehicles with a maximum total mass exceeding 35 quintals. Emergency vehicles, law enforcement vehicles and those serving the organization of the event will be exempt from the bans.

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