Italy 24 Press News

Lombardy, discounts for the mountains

Lombardy. Presentation press conference Tuesday 2 July at Palazzo Pirelli

Milan, 28 June 2024 – The Regional Council of Lombardy, as part of the “Law for the Mountains of Lombardy”, also supports initiatives this year aimed at enhancing the use of Lombardy’s mountain heritage by young people and families.

Objective: knowledge and valorisation of the Lombardy mountains, the best locations according to the website

  • 1. Livigno (Sondrio, Valtellina)
  • 2. Wooden Bridge (Brescia, Val Camonica)

  • 3. Bormio and Santa Caterina Valfurva (Sondrio, Valtellina)

  • 4. Madesimo (Sondrio, Valchiavenna)

  • 5. Valmalenco Church (Sondrio, Valmalenco)

  • 6. Gerola (Sondrio, Gerola Valley)

  • 7. Bobbio Plains (Lecco, Valtorta)

  • 8. Branzi (Bergamo, Brembana Valley)

The projects, presented and illustrated Tuesday 2 July at 1pm in the Sala Gonfalone at Palazzo Pirelliaim to promote and encourage knowledge and usability of the Lombardy mountains, with a particular focus on young people and families.

The appointment

At the event, in addition to the President of the Regional Council Federico Romani and the other members of the Bureau, will speak:

  • The President of the Special Commission “Promotion and Protection of Mountain and Border Territories” Giacomo Zamperini
  • The representatives of the seven associations and realities who presented the projects financed by the Regional Council

The seven projects

The projects range from days in the mountains for people with disabilities to festivals dedicated to mountaineering and speleology, from initiatives to introduce young people to the history of the First World War to educational workshops for students. Among the protagonists, the CAI with two projects: one dedicated to young people and one to families.

A summer dedicated to nature and culture

The proposals presented offer a wide range of opportunities to experience the mountains in an active and engaging way, encouraging the discovery of the landscape, historical and cultural heritage of the Lombard Alps. A unique opportunity to spend a summer dedicated to nature, culture and well-being with family or friends.

For more information:

#mountain #young people #families #Lomb Lombardy #summer #shelters #nature #culture

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