Italy 24 Press News

Trento: The “chain thief” arrested by the police

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During the night of June 29thi Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Trento Company they arrested a Moroccan citizen23 years old, prejudiced and moreover already recipient of a expulsion order issued by the Police Commissioner, as he was responsible for the fcollision with tearing of two gold chains from a girl’s neck.

In particular the man, while he was near Venice plazaunder the pretext of asking a friend of the victim if had to “turn on”had gotten close to her to the point of taking advantage of her moment of distraction to grab the two necklaces she had around her neck, ripping them off him and quickly fleeing.


However, also thanks to the prompt reaction of the victim and his friend who, after contacting the Single Emergency Number “112” they followed the subjecta patrol of Carabinieri having arrived on site in a few moments, she was able to locate the fugitive immediatelywhile he was running away in via degli Orti.

The stopped, who in the meantime had got rid of the stolen goods – probably delivered to an accomplice who was waiting for him not far away – he was taken to the Carabinieri command’s holding cells of via Barbacovi, awaiting a direct trial which will be held this morning at the Court of TrentoIt is assumed that the same person may have been responsible for further similar episodes occurred in the city recently: the Carabinieri are thus carrying out all the necessary investigations to also be able to identify the other members of the so-called “chain gang” and therefore they invite anyone who has suffered this type of crime to go to the nearest barracks to report the incident.

For the suspect, law appliespresumption of innocence until his guilt is established with an irrevocable sentence.



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